DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1

DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1

DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1


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34<br />

after a mi nor po li ti cal cri sis and spe ci al pa rli ame nta ry<br />

ele cti ons, aspi red to di mi ni sh, as much as po ssi ble, the<br />

ne ga ti ve effe cts of this <strong>in</strong>de pe nde nce de cla ra ti on on its<br />

<strong>in</strong>te rnal po li ti cs, which we re po la ri zed to the extre me. 3<br />

The pre ssu re cre ated by co nse rva ti ve and na ti ona li stic<br />

fo rces was such that not re spo ndi ng to the si tu ati on<br />

wo uld be <strong>in</strong>te rpre ted as the betrayal of Kosovo. 4 On the<br />

other ha nd, any di spro po rti onal re spo nse thre ate ned<br />

to enda nger re la ti ons wi th the co untri es of the Eu ro -<br />

pe an Uni on, which Se rbia is se eki ng to jo <strong>in</strong>, and co st<br />

pro-Eu ro pe an fo rces the su ppo rt Be lgra de ne eded to<br />

imple me nt be la ted <strong>in</strong>te rnal syste mic re fo rms cru ci al to<br />

bo th its po li ti cal co urse and the mid-te rm fu tu re of the<br />

co untry. The re acti on to Ko so vo ’s de cla ra ti on was re -<br />

fle cted <strong>in</strong> di plo ma tic acti on — do wngra di ng di plo ma tic<br />

ti es wi th co untri es that re co gni zed Ko so vo — , <strong>in</strong> the<br />

tra nsfer of the issue to the le gal te rra <strong>in</strong> and <strong>in</strong> fi rm di -<br />

sa ppro val of any re co gni ti on of Ko so vo <strong>in</strong> bi la te ral, and<br />

espe ci ally mu lti la te ral fo ru ms. The di plo ma tic acti on<br />

was Se rbi a’s uni la te ral mo ve, but tra nsfe rri ng the pro -<br />

blem onto the le gal te rra <strong>in</strong> and blo cki ng fu rther re co -<br />

gni ti ons re qu ired alli es. The pri ma ry lo gi cal cho ice for<br />

Se rbia was the Ru ssi an Fe de ra ti on, a co untry which did<br />

not li ke the pre ce de nt set by Ko so vo and which ne eded<br />

to pu rsue its <strong>in</strong>te re sts <strong>in</strong> the We ste rn Ba lka ns.<br />

Be twe en 2007 and 2009, Se rbi a’s fo re ign po li cy to wa -<br />

rds Ru ssia shi fted, wi th an open fo rmu la ti on of its plan<br />

to draw clo ser to Ru ssia and si mu lta ne ou sly wo rk on<br />

EU <strong>in</strong>te gra ti on. Ne go ti ati ons on the tra nsit of the „So -<br />

uth Stre am“ gas ro ute thro ugh Se rbia and the sa le of<br />

NIS sta rted <strong>in</strong> 2007, 5 aro und the ti me when ne go ti ati -<br />

ons on the sta tus of Ko so vo under the au spi ces of the<br />

tro ika of re pre se nta ti ves of the EU, the USA and Ru -<br />

ssia we re co mi ng to an end. Se eki ng to assu re its su -<br />

ppo rt, Se rbia offe red Ru ssia a lu cra ti ve pri va ti za ti on<br />

de al <strong>in</strong>vo lvi ng the sa le of 51 pe rce nt pri va ti za ti on of<br />

the Se rbi an Oil Indu stry (NIS) to Ru ssi an <strong>in</strong>te re sts, <strong>in</strong><br />

excha nge for Ru ssi a’s pro mi se that a bra nch of „So uth<br />

Stre am“ wo uld go thro ugh Se rbia and that the unde -<br />

rgro und gas sto ra ge fa ci li ty „Ba na tski dvor“ wo uld be<br />

co nstru cted. In bo th ca ses the owne rship ra tio wo uld<br />

be 51% - 49% <strong>in</strong> fa vo ur of Ru ssia. 6<br />

After spe ci al pa rli ame nta ry ele cti ons and the appo -<br />

<strong>in</strong>tme nt of new go ve rnme nt <strong>in</strong> Ju ly 2008, the po li ti cs<br />

of re lyi ng on Ru ssia, bo th re ga rdi ng the sta tus of Ko -<br />

so vo and other <strong>in</strong>te rna ti onal issu es, co nti nu ed. Si nce<br />

Ja nu ary 2009, or mo re pre ci se ly, si nce the Amba ssa -<br />

do rs Co nfe re nce <strong>in</strong> Be lgra de, Mo scow assu med a pla -<br />

ce ne xt to Bru sse ls and Wa shi ngton, an enha nced ro le<br />

co mpa red to the pe ri od be fo re 2005. 7 Ai ded by Ru -<br />

ssia, Se rbia ma na ged to se cu re the UN Ge ne ral Asse -<br />

mbly’s su ppo rt for a re so lu ti on which asked the Inte -<br />

rna ti onal Co urt of Ju sti ce to gi ve an opi ni on on the le -<br />

ga li ty of Ko so vo ’s <strong>in</strong>de pe nde nce de cla ra ti on.<br />

The co nve rge nce of Se rbi a’s <strong>in</strong>te re sts <strong>in</strong> pre se rvi ng its<br />

te rri to ri al <strong>in</strong>te gri ty and Ru ssi a’s <strong>in</strong>te re sts <strong>in</strong> pre ve nti ng<br />

the le ga li za ti on of the pre ce de nt set by Ko so vo ’s <strong>in</strong>de -<br />

pe nde nce was fu rther stre ngthe ned by co ncre te, pra -<br />

cti cal co nve rge nce of the two co untri es. Be si des the<br />

ene rgy se ctor de als, a Mo scow Ba nk bra nch offi ce was<br />

ope ned, and the re are pla ns for other ma jor Ru ssi an<br />

ba nks, such as Ga zprom Ba nk, to enter the Se rbi an<br />

ma rket, fu rther impro vi ng co ndi ti ons for the spre ad of<br />

Ru ssi an bu si ness <strong>in</strong> Se rbia. The re ha ve be en a few Ru -<br />

ssi an co mme rci al <strong>in</strong>ve stme nts, and the li st of pro du cts<br />

on which no or re du ced du ty is pa id has be en exte -<br />

nded. 8 Amo ng other fo rms of mi li ta ry co ope ra ti on 9 ,<br />

Ru ssi an engi ne ers ha ve si nce April 2009 be en re mo vi -<br />

ng une xplo ded bo mbs le ft over from the 1999 NA TO<br />

bo mbi ng 10 . When Ru ssi an pre si de nt Me dve dev vi si ted<br />

Be lgra de on Octo ber 20, 2009, an agre eme nt was si -<br />

gned on Ru ssi an-Se rbia co ope ra ti on <strong>in</strong> hu ma ni ta ri an<br />

and na tu ral di sa ste rs and other eme rge ncy si tu ati ons.<br />

When the issue of Ko so vo was tra nsfe rred to the le gal<br />

te rra <strong>in</strong>, wi th the cle ar me ssa ge that the <strong>in</strong>sti tu ti ons <strong>in</strong><br />

which Ru ssia has a ve to ri ght wo uld not re co gni ze Ko -<br />

so vo, and after the di scu ssi on be fo re the Inte rna ti onal<br />

Co urt of Ju sti ce <strong>in</strong> The Ha gue, the pro cess of Se rbi -<br />

an-Ru ssi an co nve rge nce was co mple ted. Even tho ugh<br />

Se rbia tu rned its fo re ign po li cy co urse to wa rds the di -<br />

re cti on of the Eu ro-Atla ntic co mmu ni ty <strong>in</strong> la te 2009<br />

wi th an appli ca ti on for Eu ro pe an Uni on me mbe rship,<br />

Ru ssi a’s <strong>in</strong>flu ence <strong>in</strong> Se rbia re ma <strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong>ta ct.<br />

* * *<br />

When <strong>in</strong> ea rly 2010 Se rbi a’s Mi ni ster of De fe nse, Dra -<br />

gan [u ta no vac, ra ised the issue of Se rbi a’s entry <strong>in</strong>to<br />

NA TO 11 , his wo rds eli ci ted a te mpe stu ous re acti on.<br />

Le adi ng oppo si ti on le ade rs asked for a re fe re ndum<br />

whe re the pe ople wo uld de ci de 12 , a re spo nse ba sed<br />

on bo th the emo ti onal anta go ni sm to wa rds NA TO for<br />

the 1999 bo mbi ng of Yu go sla via, and the Pe ople ’s Asse -<br />

mbly Re so lu ti on 125/07 of De ce mber 2007, which<br />

pro cla imed Se rbi a’s mi li ta ry ne utral until a re fe re ndum<br />

on the issue was orga ni zed.<br />

Ru ssi an offi ci als ste pped <strong>in</strong> lo udly expre ssi ng the ir opi -<br />

ni on, i.e. the ir oppo si ti on to Se rbi a’s me mbe rship <strong>in</strong><br />

NA TO: the Mi ni ster of Fo re ign Affa irs, La vrov, sa id he<br />

tho ught the ma jo ri ty of Se rbi a’s pe ople we re aga <strong>in</strong>st<br />

the ir co untry jo <strong>in</strong>i ng NA TO 13 and the cha irman of the

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