DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1

DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1

DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1


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Re vi ew<br />

Orga ni zed Cri me<br />

<strong>in</strong> Ka ki sto cra cy<br />

By: Sead Turčalo<br />

Sma ji ć, Mi rza (2010):<br />

Orga ni zed cri me <strong>in</strong> BiH.<br />

Tra nsi ti onal di le mmas,<br />

Sa ra je vo: Fa cu lty of<br />

Po li ti cal Sci ences.<br />

For almo st two de ca des, Bo snia and He rze go vi na has<br />

be en a co untry cha ra cte ri zed by po li ti cal tu rmo il, eco -<br />

no mic and so ci al cha os and co nfu si on. In such co ndi ti -<br />

ons, de cla ra ti ve de mo cra cy tra nsfo rms <strong>in</strong>to its<br />

oppo si te - ka ki sto cra cy. Ka ki sto cra cy by itse lf is a bla -<br />

ck ho le <strong>in</strong> de mo cra cy which ope ns a do or to ano ther,<br />

pa ra llel wo rld, <strong>in</strong> which orga ni zed cri me appe ars as<br />

one of the key fi gu res that thre ate ns to de stru ct an<br />

alre ady fra gi le sta te co mple te ly.<br />

The fa ct that orga ni zed cri me is not a thre at only <strong>in</strong><br />

fo rmer co mmu ni st and so ci ali st sta tes hit by a fa iled<br />

tra nsi ti on <strong>in</strong>to ma rket de mo cra cy, or <strong>in</strong> de ve lo pi ng co -<br />

untri es hit by wa rs and co nsta nt <strong>in</strong>te rnal po li ti cal co -<br />

nfli cts, can also be su ppo rted by the de fi ni ti on of this<br />

phe no me non <strong>in</strong> stra te gic do cu me nts of the EU and<br />

USA as one of the key thre ats. Acco rdi ng to the la te -<br />

st Eu ro ba ro me ter re se arch, the ci ti ze ns of EU co untri -<br />

es pe rce ive orga ni zed cri me as the bi gge st thre at after<br />

une mplo yme nt and eco no mic si tu ati on, yet <strong>in</strong> the<br />

abse nce of the glo bal fi na nci al cri sis, the ra nki ng wo -<br />

uld pro ba bly be di ffe re nt <strong>in</strong> fa vo ur of orga ni zed cri me,<br />

as sho wn by re se arch from 2001.<br />

Ho we ver, even wi th all the si mi la ri ti es that Bo snia and<br />

He rze go vi na, as a co untry <strong>in</strong> tra nsi ti on, and the de ve -<br />

lo ped co untri es of the We ste rn he mi sphe re expe ri -<br />

ence <strong>in</strong> thre ats, the re is one impo rta nt di ffe re nce.<br />

Whi le even a cu rso ry re vi ew of pri nted and ele ctro -<br />

nic me dia wi ll show that the phra se “orga ni zed cri me”<br />

is one of the mo st fre qu ently used <strong>in</strong> Bo snia-He rze go -<br />

vi na ’s pu blic di sco urse, a se arch on the re gi onal Coope<br />

ra ti ve Onli ne Bi bli ogra phic System & Se rvi ces<br />

(CO BI SS) li bra ry pla tfo rm re ve als that the re was only<br />

one bo ok pu bli shed <strong>in</strong> Bo snia co mpre he nsi ve ly de ali -<br />

ng wi th the ma tter. On the other ha nd, <strong>in</strong> the USA<br />

and <strong>in</strong> EU co untri es the re are do ze ns of expe rt and<br />

sci ence ma ga zi nes de ali ng wi th the qu esti on of orga ni -<br />

zed cri me, and <strong>in</strong> the wo rld’s bi gge st onli ne bo oksto -<br />

re you wi ll fi nd so me 2,000 wo rks on the issue <strong>in</strong><br />

Engli sh alo ne. The re fo re, altho ugh se cu ri ty thre ats are<br />

the sa me, the abi li ty to de al wi th them <strong>in</strong> pro fe ssi onal<br />

sci enti fic ci rcles and de ve lop ade qu ate co unte rme asu -<br />

res and re acti on stra te gi es is ve ry di ffe re nt.<br />


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