DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1

DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1

DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1


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co mmu ni ty did not wa nt to ta ke acti ons that wo uld pro -<br />

vo ke the Se rb au tho ri ti es, or <strong>in</strong>de ed other ele me nts. 6<br />

Ne ve rthe less, a nu mber of fa cto rs mi li ta ted <strong>in</strong> the fo -<br />

llo wi ng ye ars <strong>in</strong> fa vo ur of a mo re <strong>in</strong>te rve nti oni st po li cy<br />

on the pa rt of the <strong>in</strong>te rna ti onal co mmu ni ty vis-à-vis Bo -<br />

snia-He rze go vi na ’s re co nstru cti on.<br />

Fi rstly, the Da yton se ttle me nt was the chi ld of a We -<br />

ste rn po li cy that was alre ady di scre di ted and <strong>in</strong> a pro -<br />

cess of tra nsfo rma ti on at the ti me that the se ttle me nt<br />

was re ached. The re pla ce me nt of Fra nco is Mi tte ra nd<br />

wi th Ja cqu es Chi rac as Fre nch pre si de nt <strong>in</strong> 1995 and<br />

of Jo hn Ma jor wi th To ny Bla ir as Bri ti sh pri me mi ni ster<br />

<strong>in</strong> 1997 me ant that Fre nch and Bri ti sh po li cy was no<br />

lo nger <strong>in</strong> the ha nds of po li ti ci ans who had stro ngly fa -<br />

vo ured appe ase me nt of the Se rbs, but ra ther of the ir<br />

su cce sso rs who had se en the fu ti li ty of the po li cy of<br />

appe ase me nt and we re de te rmi ned not to su ffer si mi -<br />

lar di scre di ti ng. Ju st as the Ma jor and Mi tte ra nd re gi -<br />

mes had de te rred Cli nton from stro nger <strong>in</strong>te rve nti on<br />

to ha lt Se rb atro ci ti es, so Bla ir and Chi rac sti ffe ned Cli -<br />

nto n’s de te rmi na ti on to co nfro nt Se rbi an tro uble ma -<br />

ki ng. When Mi lo {e vi } atte mpted to la unch a new<br />

ca mpa ign of ethnic cle ansi ng, aga <strong>in</strong>st the Ko so vo Alba -<br />

ni ans <strong>in</strong> the la te 1990s, the NA TO po we rs this ti me co -<br />

nfro nted him. The po li cy of We ste rn appe ase me nt of<br />

Mi lo {e vi } – one of the pi lla rs of the Da yton Acco rd –<br />

de fi ni te ly ca me to an end wi th the NA TO ai rstri kes<br />

aga <strong>in</strong>st Se rbia <strong>in</strong> 1999, the <strong>in</strong>di ctme nt of Mi lo {e vi } by<br />

the Ha gue Tri bu nal and US assi sta nce to the ove rthrow<br />

of Mi lo {e vi } <strong>in</strong> 2000. 7 So the re was a wi der ge opo li ti -<br />

cal co nte xt to the gra du ally mo re ha nds-on appro ach<br />

of the <strong>in</strong>te rna ti onal admi ni stra ti on <strong>in</strong> Bo snia-He rze go -<br />

vi na after 1995.<br />

Se co ndly, the re was an <strong>in</strong>te rnal dyna mic wi th<strong>in</strong> the<br />

<strong>in</strong>te rna ti onal admi ni stra ti on to wa rds a mo re acti vi st appro<br />

ach. The gu ardi anship of Bo snia-He rze go vi na was<br />

pla ced <strong>in</strong> the ha nds of the Pe ace Imple me nta ti on Co -<br />

uncil (PIC), co mpo sed of UN me mbe rs and <strong>in</strong>te rna ti -<br />

onal bo di es. The PIC <strong>in</strong> tu rn admi ni ste red<br />

Bo snia-He rze go vi na thro ugh the Offi ce of the Hi gh Re -<br />

pre se nta ti ve (OHR). Altho ugh the Hi gh Re pre se nta ti -<br />

ve was envi sa ged abo ve all as an ove rse er fa ci li ta ti ng<br />

the re co ve ry of Bo snia-He rze go vi na, <strong>in</strong> pra cti ce, the<br />

impe ra ti ve of ensu ri ng sta bi li ty and pe ace gra du ally pu -<br />

lled the OHR <strong>in</strong>to a mo re <strong>in</strong>te rve nti oni st ro le. The<br />

OHR gra du ally put do wn ro ots <strong>in</strong> the co untry and ga -<br />

<strong>in</strong>ed a re al grip on it, cre ati ng a se lf-pe rpe tu ati ng <strong>in</strong>sti -<br />

tu ti onal dyna mic to wa rd a stro nger admi ni stra ti on. In<br />

1997, the PIC gra nted the OHR the so-ca lled "Bo nn Po -<br />

we rs", allo wi ng the Hi gh Re pre se nta ti ve to di smiss re -<br />

ca lci tra nt offi ci als who obstru cted its wo rk.<br />

Co nse qu ently, two ye ars la ter, <strong>in</strong> 1999, Hi gh Re pre se -<br />

nta ti ve Ca rlos We ste ndo rp used the Bo nn Po we rs to<br />

di smiss the extre me-na ti ona li st RS pre si de nt, Ni ko la<br />

Po pla {en. Two ye ars after that, his su cce ssor, Wo lfga -<br />

ng Pe tri tsch, di smi ssed the ha rd-li ne Cro at na ti ona li st<br />

Ante Je la vi } from the Bo sni an Pre si de ncy and se ized<br />

the asse ts of the Cro at De mo cra tic Uni on (HDZ), the<br />

pri nci pal Bo sni an Cro at na ti ona li st pa rty. 8 Thus, for ne -<br />

arly a de ca de from 1997, the OHR to ok on an <strong>in</strong>cre -<br />

asi ngly stro ng ro le, chi ppi ng away from abo ve at the<br />

na ti onal di vi si ons and the po wer ba ses of the na ti ona -<br />

li st po li ti ci ans.<br />

This stre ngthe ni ng ro le of the OHR to ok on its gre -<br />

ate st exte nt under Pa ddy Ashdo wn, who se rved as Hi -<br />

gh Re pre se nta ti ve from 2002 to 2006. Ashdo wn<br />

se rved <strong>in</strong> an <strong>in</strong>te rna ti onal atmo sphe re of ra pid EU and<br />

NA TO expa nsi oni sm and a ge ne ra lly gre ater We ste rn<br />

mi li ta ncy fo llo wi ng the 9/11 atta cks and the run-up to,<br />

and ou tbre ak of, the war <strong>in</strong> Iraq. In re spo nse to Bo -<br />

sni an Se rb arms tra di ng wi th Sa dda m’s Iraq, Ashdo wn<br />

abo li shed the RS’s Su pre me De fe nce Co uncil and re -<br />

mo ved all re fe re nces to sta te ho od <strong>in</strong> the RS’s co nsti -<br />

tu ti on. He then esta bli shed a uni fi ed Bo sni an mi li ta ry<br />

co mma nd and <strong>in</strong>te lli ge nce se rvi ce. In 2000, <strong>in</strong>te rna ti -<br />

onal me di ato rs ru led that the di spu ted to wn of Br~ko,<br />

which si ts astri de the so-ca lled "no rthe rn co rri do r" li -<br />

nki ng the ea ste rn and we ste rn pa rts of the RS, sho uld<br />

be co me a ne utral di stri ct se pa ra te from bo th enti ti es,<br />

ma ki ng an eve ntu al se ce ssi on of the RS that much mo -<br />

re pro ble ma tic. La ter that ye ar, the Co nsti tu ti onal Co -<br />

urt of Bo snia-He rze go vi na ru led that all three of<br />

Bo snia-He rze go vi na ’s co nsti tu ent pe ople sho uld enjoy<br />

co nsti tu ent sta tus across its who le te rri to ry, stri ki ng a<br />

blow aga <strong>in</strong>st the na ti onal di vi si ons entre nched by Da -<br />

yton. In 2003, le gi sla ti on was ado pted that ena bled the<br />

enti ti es’ se pa ra te cu sto ms admi ni stra ti ons to be re pla -<br />

ced by a sta te Indi re ct Ta xa ti on Au tho ri ty. In 2004,<br />

Ashdo wn issu ed a de cree for the re uni fi ca ti on of the<br />

ci ty of Mo star. Also <strong>in</strong> 2004, the Co nsti tu ti onal Co urt<br />

of Bo snia-He rze go vi na ru led that thi rte en to wns and<br />

mu ni ci pa li ti es <strong>in</strong> the RS, that had be en gi ven new Se -<br />

rb na mes or pre fi xes si nce 1992, sho uld ha ve the ir ori -<br />

gi nal, non-na ti onal na mes re sto red. In Octo ber 2005,<br />

the RS pa rli ame nt was fi na lly pre ssu ri sed <strong>in</strong>to pa ssi ng<br />

an EU-de ma nded re fo rm ai med at cre ati ng a uni fi ed<br />

Bo sni an po li ce fo rce. 9<br />

This <strong>in</strong>cre asi ng acti vi sm on the pa rt of the OHR se nt<br />

the ha rd-li ne na ti ona li sts <strong>in</strong>to re tre at. It cre ated a di le -<br />

mma for na ti ona li st po li ti ci ans, be twe en re ca lci tra nt<br />

oppo si ti on and co lla bo ra ti ng wi th the <strong>in</strong>te rna ti onal admi<br />

ni stra ti on. This led to the fra gme nta ti on of fo rme -<br />


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