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Ql - ITO


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single text does not bring about one single form of "reception". On the<br />

contrary, the same text can be perceived in various ways based on peoples'<br />

individual and co lleeti ve life stories and experiences 53 . When it comes to TV<br />

ads, it should be noted that the electronic rating system measures not the act of<br />

"watching" but just the TV channel w hi ch is on.<br />

As a matter of fact, a field study we have carried out for another research<br />

reveals that the viewers of TV series, namely the most favorite TV programs of<br />

advertisers, watch the ads very little. The advertisers, however, assume that ads<br />

constitute the way through which viewers "reach" them 54 .<br />

Vi.ewers' Tendancy to Watch Advertisements on<br />

Advertising Breaks<br />

• Always watches<br />

• Usually watches<br />

• Often watches<br />

• Never watches<br />

53<br />

54<br />

There are many sources on "communication theories". For example see. Annand Mattelart ve<br />

Michele Mattelart, İletişim Kurarnları Tarihi, İstanbul, Cem Yayınlan, 1998. Considered as a<br />

"founding text" in reception theories Stuart Hall, "Encoding, decoding", inCulture, Media,<br />

Language, Hutchinson, Stuart Hall et al. (eds.), Londres, 1985. For a comprehensive scientific<br />

study on viewers and reception, see. Brigitte Le Grignou, Du côte du public. Usages et reception<br />

de la television, Ed.Economica, coll.Etudes Politiques, Paris, 2003.<br />

Hülya Uğur Tanrıöver et al., ibid., 2011, p. 177-179.

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