FY2010 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

FY2010 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

FY2010 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory


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Director’s R&D Fund—<br />

Neutron Sciences<br />

Results and Accomplishments<br />

A new method of the SANS and USANS data analysis and interpretation was developed. The method<br />

makes it possible for the first time to evaluate the volume fraction of pores inaccessible to a particular<br />

greenhouse gas as a function of pore size. This information is invaluable for more accurate estimation of<br />

the sorption capacity of CO 2 in a particular coal seam and appropriate modification of the existing<br />

calculation models. This method was applied to investigate total and closed porosity in coal samples<br />

obtained from a seam (Tanquary site) into which CO 2 has been injected during a field-scale operation in<br />

Illinois as a part of the DOE-sponsored Illinois Basin Partnership. SANS/USANS experiments with these<br />

samples saturated with CO 2 and methane over a range of pressures and temperatures were conducted.<br />

Similar experiments were conducted using 12 samples out of a collection of 20 various coals which were<br />

obtained from R. Sakurovs (CSIRO, Australia).<br />

First high-pressure Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering (QENS) experiment on the Backscattering<br />

Spectrometer (BASIS) at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) was conducted in June 2009. The data on<br />

diffusion and residence time of CH 4 molecules in carbon aerogel were obtained and analyzed using<br />

complementary SANS data on the phase behavior and adsorption of methane in same aerogel sample. The<br />

data revealed strong suppression of the methane molecule mobility due to liquefaction of methane gas in<br />

small pores of aerogel. Recent QENS experiments on the methane mobility in confined CO 2 +CH 4<br />

mixtures (May 2010) have shown that replacement of the adsorbed methane by CO 2 starts to occur at an<br />

unexpectedly low CO 2 pressure on the order of 25 bar. This result can be understood based on SANS<br />

studies of the methane adsorption from CO 2 +CH 4 mixtures.<br />

Information Shared<br />

Chathoth, S. M., E. Mamontov, Y. B. Melnichenko, and M. Zamponi. 2010. “Diffusion and adsorption of<br />

methane confined in nano-porous carbon aerogel: A combined quasi-elastic and small-angle neutron<br />

scattering study.” Micropor. Mesopor. Mat. 132, 148.<br />

Sakurovs, R., A. P. Radlinski, and Y. B. Melnichenko. 2009. “Stability of the bituminous coal<br />

microstructure upon exposure to high pressures of helium.” Energy & Fuels 23, 5022.<br />

05246<br />

Neutron Scattering and Osmotic Stress to Study Intrinsically<br />

Disordered Proteins<br />

Christopher Stanley, Erica Rowe, Hugh O’Neill, and Valerie Berthelier<br />

Project Description<br />

Proper protein function relies on interactions that create correctly folded and assembled structures while<br />

still maintaining the flexibility required for their activity. Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are a<br />

special class that best exemplifies the need for structural flexibility. These proteins possess either an<br />

unstructured domain or are fully disordered until recognizing a target molecule, upon which a synergistic<br />

effect from folding and binding occurs. Exactly how this mechanism imparts specificity in IDPs is poorly<br />

understood, and structural characterization remains difficult since they are not amenable to crystallization.<br />

We propose using small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) combined with osmotic stress to directly<br />

investigate the link between structure and thermodynamics for IDP conformational changes and<br />

interactions. The osmotic stress created by an added osmolyte modulates biomolecular transitions and<br />

thereby allows the associated hydration and energetics to be probed. The advantage of SANS is that the<br />


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