2010 Rhode Island Kids Count Factbook

2010 Rhode Island Kids Count Factbook

2010 Rhode Island Kids Count Factbook


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Child Abuse and Neglect<br />

DCYF Child Protective Services (CPS) Hotline Calls for<br />

Reports of Abuse and/or Neglect, Investigations,*<br />

and Indicated Investigations, <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>, 2000-2009<br />




2000 13,580 56% (7,635) 2,234<br />

2001 13,804 54% (7,479) 2,261<br />

2002 14,545 50% (7,254) 2,209<br />

<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Child Deaths Due to Child Abuse and/or Neglect**<br />


2000 3 2005 4<br />

2001 5 2006 1<br />

2002 1 2007 0<br />

2003 4 2008 0<br />

2004 3 2009 2<br />

Total 2000-2004 16 Total 2005-2009 7<br />

2003 13,651 50% (6,847) 2,126<br />

active with DCYF). 10 <strong>2010</strong> <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> KIDS COUNT <strong>Factbook</strong> 103<br />

Source: <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Department of Children, Youth and Families, RICHIST, 2000-2009.<br />

2004 13,341 52% (6,890) 2,095<br />

**Based on <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Department of Children, Youth and Families determination of death due<br />

2005 13,144 55% (7,188) 2,260<br />

to child abuse or neglect by a parent or caretaker.<br />

2006 14,957 59% (8,841) 2,862<br />

2007 13,542 54% (7,363) 2,396 ◆ Between 2000 and 2009, 23 children died as a result of injuries due to abuse by a<br />

2008 12,204 51% (6,214) 1,913<br />

parent or caretaker. In 2009, two children died as a result of child abuse and/or neglect,<br />

2009 12,189 52% (6,362) 2,075<br />

the first deaths since 2006. 11 During 2008, there were 31 children hospitalized with the<br />

Source: <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Department of Children, Youth and Families, RICHIST, 2000-2009.<br />

diagnosis of child abuse or neglect, compared with 32 in 2007, 32 in 2006, 34 in 2005,<br />

* One investigation can be generated by multiple hotline calls. Investigations can result in a finding and 22 in 2004. 12<br />

of indicated, unfounded or unable to complete (as when essential party cannot be found).<br />

◆ The percentage of unduplicated child maltreatment reports for which there were<br />

Child Abuse and Neglect in <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Communities<br />

completed investigations declined from 59% in 2006 to 52% in 2009. The number of ◆ Many parents at risk of child abuse and neglect lack essential parenting skills and are<br />

unduplicated child maltreatment reports to the CPS Hotline was also lower in 2009 than at struggling with a combination of social and economic issues. These families benefit from<br />

any point in the past decade. 6 In 2009, there were 2,075 indicated investigations based on access to community-based, comprehensive services that are able to respond flexibly to<br />

child maltreatment investigations, 33% of all completed investigations. The percentage of their needs. 13 Helping families access income supports, medical care, high-quality child<br />

completed investigations that were indicated has remained fairly stable over the past care, parent education and support, treatment for substance abuse and mental health<br />

decade. 7 An indicated investigation is one in which there is a preponderance of evidence problems and offering evidence-based home visiting programs, such as the Nurse-Family<br />

that child abuse and/or neglect occurred. 8<br />

Partnership, to families at risk can prevent the occurrence and recurrence of child abuse<br />

and neglect. 14,15,16,17<br />

◆ Of the 12,189 maltreatment reports in 2009, 4,662 were classified as “information/<br />

referrals” (formerly “early warnings”). 9 Information/referrals are reports made to the CPS ◆ In 2009, the six core cities had the highest rates of child victims of abuse and neglect<br />

Hotline that contain a concern about the well-being of a child but do not meet the per 1,000 children out of all <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> communities. Johnston (13.2) and Westerly<br />

criteria for an investigation. Criteria for investigation include that the victim is a minor, (12.6) were the only other communities with child abuse and neglect rates higher than<br />

the alleged perpetrator is a legal caretaker or is living in the home, there is reasonable that of the state as a whole (11.7). Child abuse and neglect rates in the core cities ranged<br />

cause to believe that abuse or neglect circumstances exist, and there is a specific incident from a low of 14.1 per 1,000 children in Providence to a high of 26.6 per 1,000 children<br />

or pattern of incidents suggesting that harm can be identified. When essential criteria for in Woonsocket. 18<br />

investigation are not present, the report may lead to a referral to other services or to the<br />

information being passed on to a DCYF caseworker (depending on whether the family is

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