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Wednesday, February 24, 10:45 a.m.<br />

By Harris M. Plotkin<br />

President, Plotkin & Associates<br />

THE PAST 12 years, Plotkin & Associates<br />

has assisted both large and<br />

FOR<br />

small theatre chains in increasing<br />

their sales and profits by utilizing our preemployment<br />

honesty and personality<br />

testing programs, and our customer service<br />

training program. The keys to increasing<br />

profits are really quite simple,<br />

but too few organizations have taken the<br />

steps necessary to increase those profits.<br />

Training Workers How to Treat<br />

Customers<br />

What are some of the key techniques<br />

and steps necessary to increase your profits?<br />

One is to treat every customer in the<br />

way you would like to be treated if you<br />

were the customer. In order to do that,<br />

you have to treat your employees as if<br />

they were your customers.<br />

We have trained hundreds of organizations,<br />

both in the theatre industry and in<br />

other industries, in customer service<br />

training. Success occurs only in those<br />

organizations where the head of the organization<br />

treats the vice presidents as if<br />

they were his customers, his vice presidents<br />

treat their division managers as if<br />

they were their customers, the division<br />

managers treat their regional directors as<br />

if they were their customers, the regional<br />

people treat their managers as if they<br />

were their customers, and the managers<br />

treat their front-line employees as if they<br />

were their custoiners. Then, and only<br />

then, will the front-line employee truly<br />

treat the customers in the way that you<br />

want them to be treated. There's an old<br />

expression that goes "The fish stinks<br />

from the head." If the head of the organization<br />

doesn't truly believe in customer<br />

service and treat his employees with dignity,<br />

respect and recognition, there is no<br />

way he can expect or will ever see his<br />

employees treat his customers the way he<br />

would really like them treated.<br />

Everything begins and ends with the<br />

customer. We are all in existence to<br />

please our customers, clients and patrons,<br />

whomever they may be. Every action that<br />

we take, whether we are selling boxoffice<br />

tickets or concessions, or in the projection<br />

booth, or booking movies, or paying<br />

bills, or running the organization, must be<br />

directed so that the end result is to make<br />

the customer happy. If the customer is<br />

happy, he will buy more concessions from<br />

you, tell his friends, and attend your<br />

theatre more often than your competitor.<br />

Every major study that questions why<br />

customers stop interacting with a business<br />

comes up with the results: 1 percent<br />

die, 3 percent move, 5 percent develop<br />

other friendships, 9 percent stop because<br />

of competitive price, 14 percent stop because<br />

of product quality, 68 percent stop<br />

because of indifference by sales and service<br />

personnel.<br />

Surprised that two-thirds of the people<br />

that stop attending your theatre do so<br />

because they were treated poorly by<br />

someone on your staff? You shouldn't be.<br />

Whether you are the owner of one theatre<br />

or president of a large chain, at least once<br />

a month it would be worth your while to<br />

visit one of your theatres. Go in some kind<br />

of disguise or have someone you really<br />

trust, a friend, a neighbor, a relative, or<br />

a checking service, visit one of yotir<br />

theatres and report back to you how he<br />

was treated by the cashier, by the tickettakers,<br />

by the concession people, or the<br />

ushers. If every one of those interactions<br />

wasn't exceptionally good or didn't really<br />

make you smile and feel that the help was<br />

there just for you, then it's time to do<br />

something with your organization.<br />

Hiring the Right Person<br />

What is iinportant to do if you do find<br />

problems is not to fire everybody. You<br />

need to analyze the problems. Our 20<br />

years of experience with more than 600<br />

clients, both in and out of the theatre<br />

industry, has led us to conclude the following<br />

about any organization: in order to<br />

be successful, you have to get the right<br />

person into the right job; their inental and<br />

personality traits must fit the job in question;<br />

and they should be honest. Honest<br />

employees have a better attitude toward<br />

work, are absent less, are rarely late, and<br />

in general just want to do their job. If they<br />

also have the required mental and personality<br />

traits, they will do their job very<br />

well. If you train them properly, they'll do<br />

even better. Keep in mind that no amount<br />

of training can train a round peg to fit into<br />

a square hole. If an employee does not<br />

have the right mental and personality<br />

traits to be a cashier, sell concessions,<br />

operate a projector, or manage a theatre,<br />

no amount of training will make that person<br />

better in his/her job. T^ie key to<br />

achieving excellence in customer sen>ice is at<br />

the point of selection Hinng the right person<br />

for the right )ob is the key .<br />

For the past ten years, American Multi<br />

Cinema, Midstate Theatres and other<br />

large and small theatre chains have used<br />

our personality tests primarily to select<br />

their theatre managers and assistant<br />

managers. Some chains have used our<br />

profile test to select all of their personnel,<br />

from cashiers to concessionaires to projection<br />

booth operators. Our honesty test<br />

is used by most theatre groups to select<br />

their front-line personnel. Our customer<br />

service training has been used to train all<br />

theatre personnel in how to deal with the<br />

customer. Despite the great success these<br />

and other organizations have had with our<br />

pre-etnployment testing instruments and<br />

training programs, it's quite surprising to<br />

see how few theatre chains or independents<br />

take advantage of these programs to<br />

increase their profits.<br />

The Tenants of Hiring<br />

The keys to hiring successful people in<br />

any job position are a result of their:<br />

" Being honest<br />

* Having the mental and personality traits<br />

for that job<br />

*<br />

Being trained in the right attitiiilc for<br />

that job in that industry<br />

*<br />

Being given the necessary skill training<br />

for their job<br />

*<br />

Being taught about their product or service<br />

*<br />

Being managed, motivated, communicated<br />

and treated with dignity, respect<br />

and recognition<br />

* Being held accountable for their work<br />

as well as your patience to wait for the<br />

right person to fit the job and the patience<br />

to train them to perform that job successlullv.<br />

^<br />

SW-20<br />


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