Annual Report 2006

Annual Report 2006

Annual Report 2006


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analysis using microsatellite markers showed<br />

that a population of 40-60 adult females per<br />

generation would be sufficient to conserve the<br />

genetic diversity of the wild populations.<br />

Minute pirate bug, is one of<br />

the most effective predators of small insect<br />

pests, such as thrips. We evaluated genetic<br />

differentiations among wild populations of this<br />

species using microsatellite DNA markers and<br />

found that no difference among populations 100<br />

km apart, suggesting that this species has large<br />

gene pools in the field. We also analyzed<br />

polymorphic DNA regions of mitochondrial and<br />

nuclear DNAs amplified from Japanese <br />

species. Phylogenetic analyses based on<br />

nucleotide sequences showed that these DNA<br />

regions can be used to examine genetic<br />

interrelationships among species and strains.<br />

Based on the results, we developed PCR<br />

primers to amplify polymorphic DNAs from<br />

many other insects.<br />

Symbiotes<br />

About 70,000 expressed sequence tags<br />

were generated from the brown planthopper,<br />

and new oligo-microarray<br />

was designed based on a sequence clustering<br />

analysis of the planthopper ESTs. A microarray<br />

-analysis-room was newly set up for silkwormand<br />

planthopper-arrays. The silkworm-array is<br />

used by more than 12 domestic research<br />

groups and planthopper-array by three groups.<br />

RNAi protocol was successfully applied to the<br />

planthoppers and is useful for the functional<br />

analyses of the planthopper genes. Nucleotide<br />

sequence analyses of ribosomal RNA and<br />

mitochondria were performed in culicoides<br />

species in Japan, and the species were identified<br />

based on the nucleotide sequences.<br />

We found two key amino-acid positions<br />

affecting adaptability for heterologous overexpression<br />

of termite cellulases (432 aminoacids,<br />

a member of the glycoside-hydrolase<br />

family 9) which generally resist against<br />

recombinant production. By introducing aminoacid<br />

mutations at the two positions, the termite<br />

cellulases were over-expressed in .<br />

The internal ribosome entry site (IRES) in<br />

the intergenic region of intestine<br />

virus binds with 80S ribosomes in the absence<br />

of eukaryotic initiation factors. This indicates<br />

that the IRES-mediated protein synthesis<br />

would be possible in a complete reconstituted<br />

system, containing 80S ribosome, mRNA,<br />

tRNAs, aminoacyl tRNA synthetases (AARSs),<br />

elongation factors, ATP, and GTP. We prepared<br />

translation apparatus from eggs of brine<br />

shrimp and reconstituted translation was<br />

examined. Our AARSs were inactivated during<br />

the purification procedure. If stable AARSs are<br />

purified, eukaryotic reconstituted translation<br />

system would be available with the IRES.<br />

We found the infectivity against rice<br />

yellow drawf-phytoplasma was different between<br />

regional strains of green rice leafhopper,<br />

and thereby were able to<br />

build the experiment system of virulence<br />

mechanism of phytoplasma insect pathogens.<br />

It was examined by measuring the initial<br />

quantity of entomopoxvirus<br />

(AcEPV) fusolin gene in the ectoperitrophic<br />

area of larvae with a method of realtime<br />

quantitative PCR of the gene whether or<br />

not a greater number of the AcEPV virions had<br />

passed the peritrophic membrane (PM) after<br />

the feeding of spindles mixed with spheroids<br />

compared with that after the feeding of<br />

spheroids only. The experimental results<br />

indicated that a greater number of AcEPV<br />

virions had passed through the disintegrated<br />

sites generated in the PM by the spindles, and<br />

that they had reached the ectoperitrophic area<br />

and then had entered the midgut epithelium<br />

within 6 hr after the administration of the<br />

spindles.<br />

Resistance of the silkworm to Cry1Ac<br />

toxin of was related to<br />

recessive major gene. We selected two<br />

silkworm lines on the susceptibility against<br />

entomogenous fungus, <br />

infection. One line was resistant and the other<br />

was susceptible. First filial generation (F1) of<br />

two lines showed resistance and half of<br />

backcrosses between F1 and susceptible line<br />

showed resistance. These results suggested<br />

that the resistance of the silkworm against <br />

infection was related to dominant<br />

major gene.

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