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tehniËkom smislu moguÊa eksploatacija, odnosno<br />

za koji se pouzdano moæe odrediti prosjeËna<br />

moguÊa godiπnja proizvodnja. Procjena iznosa<br />

tehniËki iskoristivog potencijala glavnih vodotoka<br />

u prirodnom pravcu otjecanja kreÊe se u rasponu<br />

5,4 do 6,3 TWh (ovisno o varijanti koriπtenja<br />

voda), s tim da je oko 1,7 TWh veÊ u eksploataciji<br />

u do sada izgraappleenim hidroelektranama. Osim<br />

energetskog koriπtenja vodotoka u njihovom<br />

prirodnom pravcu toka, razmatrana je i moguÊnost<br />

kojom se predviapplea prevoappleenje dijela vode rijeke<br />

Tare u rijeku MoraËu (22,2 m 3 /s). U tom sluËaju<br />

procijenjeni iznos tehniËki iskoristivog potencijala<br />

kreÊe se od 6,3 do 6,9 TWh.<br />

Analiza preostalog tehniËki iskoristivog hidro<br />

potencijala rijeka u Crnoj Gori naËinjena je<br />

na osnovi planiranih tehniËkih rjeπenja hidroenergetskih<br />

objekata u dvije globalne varijante.<br />

Varijanta 1 postoji u mnogobrojnim razvojnim<br />

programima, planovima i projektnoj dokumentaciji<br />

hidroenergetskih objekata Elektroprivrede Crne<br />

Gore. Varijanta 2 dana je u sluæbeno usvojenoj<br />

Vodoprivrednoj osnovi Crne Gore [5] (usporedo s<br />

Varijantom 1). Varijante 1 i 2 razmatraju koriπtenje<br />

hidroenergetskog potencijala na prirodnom pravcu<br />

toka i s prevoappleenjem dijela vode rijeke Tare u rijeku<br />

MoraËu (Q = 15,2 m 3 /s ili Q = 22,2 m 3 /s).<br />

Varijanta 1, koja je usvojena od strane Elektroprivrede<br />

Crne Gore i obuhvaÊena Programom<br />

razvoja i izgradnje novih elektroenergetskih<br />

objekata s prioritetima gradnje Elektroprivrede<br />

Crne Gore [6], predviapplea izgradnju novih akumulacija<br />

i elektrana kako slijedi:<br />

− Tara: akumulacija i HE Ljutica (bez<br />

akumulacije HE Tepca) i akumulacije i HE<br />

Visoki Æuti Krπ, Opasanica, BakoviÊa Klisura i<br />

Trebaljevo,<br />

− MoraËa: RHE Koπtanica, akumulacija i HE<br />

Visoko Andrijevo i nizvodne akumulacije i HE<br />

RasloviÊi, MilunoviÊi i Zlatica,<br />

− Lim: akumulacije i HE na glavnom toku<br />

Andrijevica, Lukin Vir i Plavsko jezero,<br />

− ∆ehotina: akumulacija i HE Mekote (bez<br />

akumulacije i HE Milovci),<br />

− Piva: akumulacija i HE Komarnica i dvije<br />

manje derivacijske HE PoπÊenje i Bukovica<br />

©avnik.<br />

Varijanta 2, koja je kao alternativa obuhvaÊena<br />

Vodoprivrednom osnovom Crne Gore, 2001.<br />

godina, predviapplea izgradnju novih akumulacija i<br />

elektrana kako slijedi:<br />

−<br />

Tara: akumulacije i HE Tepca, Mojkovac, Niski<br />

Æuti Krπ, Mateπevo i Opasanica,<br />

for which it has been shown through the preparation<br />

of project documentation that exploitation is<br />

possible in the technical sense, or for which it is<br />

possible to determine potential average annual<br />

production reliably. The estimates of the amounts<br />

of the technically exploitable potential of the main<br />

waterways in their natural course range from 5,4 to<br />

6,3 TWh (depending on the variants of water use),<br />

so that approximately 1,7 TWh are being exploited<br />

by hydroelectric power plants that have already<br />

been built. Besides the use of waterways for energy<br />

in their natural course, the possibility has also be<br />

considered of redirecting part of the water of the<br />

Tara River into the MoraËa River (22,2 m 3 /s). In this<br />

case, the estimated amount of technically exploitable<br />

potential would range from 6,3 to 6,9 TWh.<br />

Analysis of the remaining technically exploitable<br />

hydro potential of the rivers in Montenegro has<br />

been performed on the basis of the planned technical<br />

solutions of the hydro energy facilities in two<br />

global variants. Variant 1 exists in many development<br />

programs, plans and project documentation for the<br />

hydro energy objects of the Electric Power Company<br />

of Montenegro. Variant 2 was provided in the officially<br />

adopted Water Management Master Plan of<br />

Montenegro [5] (comparable to Variant 1). Variants<br />

1 and 2 consider using the hydro energy potential of<br />

the natural course of the flow together with the redirected<br />

part of the water from the Tara River into the<br />

MoraËa River (Q = 15,2 m 3 /s or Q = 22,2 m 3 /s).<br />

Variant 1, which was adopted by the Electric Power<br />

Company of Montenegro and includes the Program<br />

for the Development and Construction of New<br />

Electrical Energy Facilities with Priority Building<br />

of the Electric Power Company of Montenegro<br />

[6], anticipates the construction of new storage<br />

reservoirs and electrical power plants, as follows:<br />

−<br />

−<br />

−<br />

−<br />

−<br />

Tara: the Ljutica Storage Reservoir and Hydroelectric<br />

Power Plant (without the storage reservoir<br />

of the Tepca Hydroelectric Power Plant), and the<br />

storage reservoirs and hydroelectric power plants<br />

of Visoki Æuti Krπ, Opasanica, BakoviÊa Klisura<br />

and Trebaljevo,<br />

MoraËa: the Koπtanica Reversible Hydroelectric<br />

Power Plant, the Visoko Andrijevo Storage<br />

Reservoir and Hydroelectric Power Plant, and<br />

the downriver storage reservoirs and hydroelectric<br />

power plants of RasloviÊi, MilunoviÊi and Zlatica,<br />

Lim: on the main course, storage reservoirs and<br />

hydroelectric power plants of Andrijevica, Lukin Vir<br />

and Plavsko jezero,<br />

∆ehotina: the Mekote Storage Reservoir and<br />

Hydroelectric Power Plant (without the Milovci<br />

Storage Reservoir and Hydroelectric Power Plant),<br />

Piva: the Komarnica Storage Reservoir and<br />

Hydroelectric Power Plant, and two smaller derivation<br />

hydroelectric power plants PoπÊenje and<br />

Bukovica ©avnik.<br />

309<br />

Zeljko,<br />

M., »anoviÊ, M., Energetski sektor Crne Gore..., Energija, god. 56(2007), br. 3., str. 292∑327<br />

Zeljko, M., »anoviÊ, M., The Current Situation and Future..., Energija, vol. 56(2007), No. 3, pp. 292∑327

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