Untitled - HEP Grupa

Untitled - HEP Grupa

Untitled - HEP Grupa


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je viπe nego dvostruko u odnosu na trenutaËnu<br />

instaliranu snagu elektrana u Crnoj Gori.<br />

In this scenario, the construction of power plants is<br />

intensive and the total installed capacity of the newly<br />

constructed production facilities would amount to<br />

1 781,1 MW, which is more than twice the current<br />

installed capacity of the power plants in Montenegro.<br />

Tablica 12 − Ulazak u pogon novih elektrana prema scenariju N-3<br />

Table 12 − Entry into operation of new electric power plants according to Scenario N-3<br />

Godina / Year Elektrana / Power plant Snaga / Power (MW)<br />

2006.<br />

2007.<br />

2008.<br />

2009.<br />

2010. Vjetroelektrane, male HE / Wind power plants, small HPP 15<br />

2011. TE / TPP Pljevlja 2 225<br />

2012.<br />

2013. HE / HPP Koπtanica, HE / HPP Andrijevo, HE / HPP Zlatica<br />

798,6<br />

2014.<br />

2015. Vjetroelektrane, male HE, TE na komunalni otpad / Wind power plants, small HPP, waste-fueled TPP<br />

35<br />

2016.<br />

2017.<br />

2018. HE / HPP RasloviÊi, HE / HPP MilunoviÊi<br />

111<br />

2019.<br />

2020. Vjetroelektrane / Wind power plants 5<br />

2021. HE / HPP Komarnica<br />

168<br />

2022.<br />

2023. HE / HPP Ljutica<br />

250<br />

2024.<br />

2025.<br />

Ukupno / Total<br />

HES / HES Buk Bijela (1/3), vjetroelektrane / Wind power plants<br />

173,5<br />

1781,1<br />

Struktura izvora za pokrivanje potroπnje prikazana<br />

je slikom 5.<br />

The structure of the sources for covering consumption<br />

is presented in Figure 5.<br />

Slika 5<br />

Struktura izvora u<br />

pokrivanju potroπnje prema<br />

scenariju N-3<br />

Figure 5<br />

Structure of the sources<br />

for covering consumption<br />

according to Scenario N-3<br />

(GWh)<br />

10 000<br />

8 000<br />

6 000<br />

4 000<br />

2 000<br />

0<br />

2005. 2010. 2015 2020. 2025.<br />

- 2 000<br />

- 4 000<br />

Godina / Year<br />

Uvoz / Import<br />

TE na otpad /<br />

Waste-fueled TPP<br />

Vjetroelektrane /<br />

Wind power plants<br />

HES / HES Buk Bijela<br />

HE / HPP Ljutica<br />

HE / HPP Komarnica<br />

HE na MoraËi /<br />

HPP on MoraËa River<br />

HE / HPP Koπtanica<br />

TE / TPP Pljevlja 2<br />

TE / TPP Pljevlja 1<br />

EPS ∑ Piva<br />

Male HE / Small HPP<br />

HE / HPP PeruÊica<br />

Potroπnja /<br />

Consumption<br />

Uvoz / Import<br />

Izvoz / Export<br />

Saldo uvoz ∑ izvoz /<br />

Import ∑ export balance<br />

Zeljko, M., »anoviÊ, M., Energetski sektor Crne Gore..., Energija, god. 56(2007), br. 3., str. 292∑327<br />

Zeljko, M., »anoviÊ, M., The Current Situation and Future..., Energija, vol. 56(2007), No. 3, pp. 292∑327<br />


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