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Untitled - HEP Grupa


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Pretpostavljeni su sljedeÊi parametri buduÊe TE<br />

Berane:<br />

− instalirana snaga: 125 MW,<br />

− snaga na pragu: 110 MW,<br />

− specifiËna potroπnja topline: 11 540 kJ/kWh<br />

( = 31,2 %),<br />

− srednja ogrjevna vrijednost ugljena: 13 970 kJ/kg,<br />

− specifiËna potroπnja ugljena: 0,83 kg/kWh,<br />

− investicije u izgradnju elektrane: 109,5<br />

milijuna eura,<br />

− cijena ugljena: 26,03 EUR/t,<br />

− æivotni vijek elektrane: 30 godina,<br />

− trajanje izgradnje: 4 godine.<br />

Prema gornjim podacima, uz pretpostavku rada<br />

od 6 000 sati godiπnje, se moæe procijeniti da su<br />

trenutaËno poznate eksploatacijske rezerve uglja<br />

u beranskoj opÊini dovoljne za 34 godine rada<br />

elektrane.<br />

U jednoj, ranije provedenoj analizi se procjenjuje<br />

da potrebne investicije u rudnik ugljena za<br />

osposobljavanje za rad s kapacitetom od 600<br />

tisuÊa tona godiπnje iznose oko 31 milijun eura.<br />

Vrijeme izgradnje rudnika procjenjuje se na 3 ∑ 4<br />

godine, πto bi se odvijalo paralelno s izgradnjom<br />

elektrane. Naravno, potrebno je intenzivirati aktivnosti<br />

na verifikaciji postojeÊih rezervi, kako bi se<br />

poboljπalo stanje istraæenosti.<br />

5.4 Prirodni plin<br />

Proizvodnja elektriËne energije u termoelektranama<br />

na plin ne predviapplea se u razdoblju do 2025. godine<br />

zbog nedovoljne istraæenosti domaÊih nalaziπta<br />

prirodnog plina, nepostojanja plinske mreæe kojom<br />

bi se mogao uvesti prirodni plin, zbog znaËajnog<br />

hidropotencijala kao i domaÊih rezervi ugljena.<br />

5.5 MoguÊi scenariji izgradnje<br />

Tijekom izrade studije [3] prepoznata je potreba<br />

definiranja i obrade nekoliko scenarija izgradnje<br />

novih elektrana koji su ocijenjeni kao realniji s<br />

aspekta ostvarenja. U studiji je analiziran veÊi<br />

broj scenarija od kojih se ovdje prikazuju samo<br />

3 koja su ocijenjena kao najrealnija. Detaljne<br />

karakteristike pojedinih scenarija su kako slijedi:<br />

completed) and Polica (the Polica deposit). The total<br />

geological reserves are estimated at approximately 158<br />

million tons, of which only 33,5 million tons are shown<br />

as balance, due to insufficient exploration, and 18,5<br />

million tons as exploitation reserves.<br />

The assumed parameters for the future Berane Thermoelectric<br />

Power Plant are as follows:<br />

−<br />

−<br />

−<br />

−<br />

−<br />

−<br />

−<br />

−<br />

−<br />

installed capacity: 125 MW,<br />

power at the threshold: 110 MW,<br />

specific heat consumption: 11 540 kJ/kWh<br />

( = 31,2 %),<br />

average calorific value of the coal: 13 970 kJ/kg,<br />

specific coal consumption: 0,83 kg/kWh,<br />

investment in the construction of the power plant:<br />

109,5 million euros,<br />

price of coal: 26,03 EUR/t,<br />

lifetime of power plant: 30 years, and<br />

construction time: 4 years.<br />

According to the above data, assuming 6 000 hours<br />

of operation annually, it could be estimated that the<br />

currently known exploitable reserves of coal in the<br />

municipality of Berane are sufficient for 34 years of<br />

power plant operation.<br />

In an earlier analysis, it was estimated that the<br />

necessary investment in the coal mine in order for it<br />

to operate with a capacity of 600 000 tons annually<br />

would amount to approximately 31 million euros.<br />

The time required for the construction of the mine is<br />

estimated at 3 ∑ 4 years, which would occur parallel<br />

to the construction of the power plant. Naturally, it is<br />

necessary to intensify activities on the verification of<br />

the existing reserves in order to improve the level of<br />

exploration.<br />

5.4 Natural gas<br />

The production of electrical energy in thermoelectric<br />

power plants using gas is not anticipated during<br />

the period up to the year 2025, due to insufficient<br />

exploration of the domestic natural gas fields and<br />

the lack of a gas network for the import of natural<br />

gas, owing to the significant hydro potential and the<br />

domestic coal reserves.<br />

5.5 Potential scenarios for the construction<br />

During the study [3], the need was recognized for<br />

defining and processing several scenarios for the<br />

construction of new power plants that are considered<br />

realistically attainable. In the study, a large number<br />

of scenarios were analyzed, of which only the three<br />

considered to be the most realistic are presented here.<br />

The detailed characteristics of the individual scenarios<br />

are as follows:<br />

Zeljko, M., »anoviÊ, M., Energetski sektor Crne Gore..., Energija, god. 56(2007), br. 3., str. 292∑327<br />

Zeljko, M., »anoviÊ, M., The Current Situation and Future..., Energija, vol. 56(2007), No. 3, pp. 292∑327<br />


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