Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening


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210 A. Lillehammer<br />

The bottom of the valley lies in the upper<br />

part of the Sub-Alpine birch belt and the<br />

tree line is somewhat higher on the northern<br />

side of the valley than on the southern side.<br />

The bottom of the valley and the wooded<br />

sides are often thickly covered by dwarf<br />

willow and dwarf birch.<br />

Stream descriptions<br />

The main river follows the valley in a<br />

west-east direction. The tributary streams<br />

run more or less at right angles to this. Most<br />

of the streams rise at heights above 1400 m,<br />

some from springs while others have melting<br />

snow as their main source.<br />

In the bottom of the valley the streams<br />

often have a more or less dense fringe of<br />

Salix. This diminishes with altitude, and<br />

above 1200 m it is only present in especially<br />

sheltered places. At and above 1300 m there<br />

are only sporadic bushes, the main vegetation<br />

being grass.<br />

Around 0vre Heimdalsvann stream temperatures<br />

lie at about 0° C during the winter,<br />

while in the summer they may reach temperatures<br />

of 15-18° C, although the mean is<br />

markedly lower (Kloster, personal communication).<br />

The pH varies from 6.1 to 7.4, but<br />

the most common values are from 6.5 to 6.8<br />

The Ca+ + content was from 0.5-2.0 mg/l<br />

and Mg+ + about 0.5 mg/l.<br />

0vre Heimdalsvatn<br />

This lake has recently been the subject of<br />

intensive study under the auspices of IBP.<br />

It is 3 km long, has an area of 0.78 km 2 and<br />

a catchment area of 24.4 km 2 • The lake is<br />

shallow - its greatest depth is 13 m. Near the<br />

shore the substratum is mainly stony, the<br />

stone band being most extensive in the outlet<br />

area. Around the inlet there is only a thin<br />

band of stones below which sand predominates.<br />

0vre Heimdalsvatn is usually ice-covered<br />

from October to the beginning of June. From<br />

January to June surface temperatures lie<br />

between 0° and 1° C. In the latter part of<br />

June, July, August and most of September,<br />

temperatures generally lie between 7° and<br />

14° C, while from October to December they<br />

are below 2° C. The pH usually varies between<br />

6.5 and 7.0. The Ca + + content varied<br />

between 1.5 and 4.5 mg/l, the Mg+ + between<br />

0.5 and 1.0 mg/l.<br />

Stonefly fauna<br />

In this area, 21 species have been taken.<br />

Among the 29 species in southern Norway,<br />

the rare Perlodes dispar, Xanthoperla apicalis<br />

and Isogenus nubecula are absent. Amphinemura<br />

borealis and Capnia pygmaea,<br />

which have not been taken above the boreal<br />

coniferous zone in southern Norway, are<br />

also absent. In addition Siphonoperla burmeisteri,<br />

N emoura flexuosa and Isoperla<br />

difformis have not been recorded.<br />

Twenty species have been taken in streams<br />

(Table VI). Among the herbivorous species<br />

the most common were Amphinemura standfussi,<br />

A. sulcicollis, Nemoura cinerea, Capnia<br />

atra and Leuctra nigra. Capnia bifrons<br />

was also common both in the Sub­<br />

Alpine belt and in the Low-Alpine belt<br />

where willow is abundant along the streams.<br />

The dominating carnivorous species of the<br />

whole area was Diura nanseni, although the<br />

omnivore lsoperla obscura was equally common.<br />

There are large differences in the stonefly<br />

fauna of the various vegetation belts.<br />

This will be discussed later.<br />

There are also considerable differences in<br />

the fauna of streams which flow throughout<br />

the year (streams 1-6) and the three small<br />

streams (7-9) which are more or less temporary.<br />

In the latter only Nemoura cinerea,<br />

Nemurella picteti and Isoperla grammatica<br />

were taken.<br />

In 0vre Heimdalsvatn 10 species were<br />

taken (Table VI). The most common herbivore<br />

species were N emoura avicularis, N e­<br />

moura cinerea, N emurella picteti and Capnia<br />

atra. The carnivore Diura bicaudata was very<br />

common and seems to be the main invertebrate<br />

predator in the littoral fauna of the lake.<br />

In Brurskardstjenn (about 1300 m a.s.l.)<br />

6 species were taken in the lake, 5 of them<br />

herbivores. In Blatjenn (1465 m a.s.l.) 4 species<br />

were taken, 3 of them herbivores. The<br />

plecopteran fauna of Bliitjenn was dominated<br />

by Capnia atra and Diura bicaudata.<br />

The outlets of 0vre Heimdalsvatn and<br />

BHHjenn were richer in species than the<br />

lakes. The outlet of 0vre Heimdalsvatn supported<br />

12 species and the outlet of Bliitjenn<br />

5 species. The stonefly fauna of the outlet of<br />

0vre Heimdalsvatn consists of the lake species<br />

and in addition lsoperla grammatica<br />

and T aeniopteryx compacta. In the outlet of

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