Joel A Lewis Youth Against Fascism.pdf

Joel A Lewis Youth Against Fascism.pdf

Joel A Lewis Youth Against Fascism.pdf


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consistently legitimized their existence and evolution through the rhetoric of peace.<br />

Though they ultimately failed in their mission to avert two world wars, communist youth<br />

played an active and vital role in the evolution of communism and the development of<br />

inter-war youth radicalism.<br />

Dimitrov's theory of fascism as an enemy of all facets of modern democratic life directed<br />

communist youth to posit themselves as defenders, not opponents of the nation,<br />

youth and democracy, enabling British and American youth to reconstruct their definitions<br />

of fascism and democracy. The British and American YCLs reconstructed their<br />

political identity by invoking symbols and traditions of their unique national democratic<br />

heritages. The YCLs reconciled their communist identity with their native democratic<br />

political institutions and national youth cultures by abandoning their traditional authoritarian<br />

rhetoric centred on proletarian dictatorship. Popular Front rhetoric increasingly<br />

contended that democracy and modernity were inseparable in the struggle against fascism.<br />

The YCLs contended that fascism rejected youth modernity, seeking through<br />

regimentation, authoritarianism and militarism to "imbue into youth the soul of slaves<br />

and mercenaries." Communists countered this fascist demagogy by supporting modern<br />

and democratic youth cultures that appealed to youth's "love of liberty and progress." 29<br />

By embracing democracy and modern youth culture, young communists constructed a<br />

new communist identity in Britain and the United States, distinct from their Leninist<br />

heritage.<br />

The re-conceptualization of the democratic experience in the struggle for peace led the<br />

YCLs to begin asserting a native national path for developing socialism through the<br />

extension of democracy. Popular Front theory utilized certain elements of Lenin's class<br />

critiques of democracy, but completely revised his tactical positions against democracy.<br />

For the Popular Front Generation, Leninist theory represented a method for analyzing the<br />

modern world, but did not offer effective anti-fascist tactics with its consistent denunciations<br />

of democracy. Gil Green contended that the YCL's revisionism was not a rejection<br />

of Marxism. Green argued that the Popular Front program represented the "true spirit" of<br />

Marxist analysis by changing communist tactics to deal with concrete changes in reality:<br />

Conditions are changing and men are changing. What was correct yesterday may be incorrect<br />

today. What was progressive yesterday may be reactionary today.... Today, the<br />

situation in the world has greatly altered. Would it be Marxism, to repeat like parrots<br />

what we said seventeen years ago It would not! It would be nothing more than a caricature<br />

of Marxism. Marxism is not, and cannot be a dogma. It is a guide to action.... Our<br />

task is to help youth interpret the changed world of 1939. And in this present-day world,<br />

fascism, the aggressor, is out to wipe democracy from the face of the earth.... That is true<br />

Marxism. That is creative Marxism. 30<br />

Green's comments about the changing nature of the world, Marxism and the struggle for<br />

democracy reflected a new dynamic in international communist theory and practice.<br />

The Leninist Generation consciously based their practices on strict adherence to<br />

Comintern dictates. The Comintern had posited that Leninism was a scientific blending<br />


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