Å kodaAuto ANNUAL REPORT 2006 - Skoda Auto

Å kodaAuto ANNUAL REPORT 2006 - Skoda Auto

Å kodaAuto ANNUAL REPORT 2006 - Skoda Auto


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1.11 Provisions for employee benefits<br />

The following types of long-term employee benefits are included in the provision for employee benefits:<br />

– Bonuses for long-service awards and<br />

– Retirement bonuses.<br />

The entitlement to these benefits is usually conditional on the employee remaining in service for a certain service period, e.g. up to the<br />

retirement age in the case of retirement bonuses or up to the moment of the completion the certain work anniversary of the employee.<br />

The amount of provision corresponds to the present value of the other long-term employee benefits at the balance sheet date using the<br />

projected unit credit method. These obligations are valued annually by independent qualified actuaries. Actuarial gains and losses arising<br />

from changes in actuarial assumptions and calculations are charged or credited to income statement.<br />

The present value of the other long-term employee benefits is determined by discounting the estimated future cash outflows using interest<br />

rates of high-quality corporate bonds to the balance sheet date. If a market of such bonds does not exist, the Company uses the market<br />

price of treasury bonds. The conditions and currency of these corporate or treasury bonds are consistent with the currency and conditions<br />

of the particular other long-term employee benefits.<br />

1.12 Other provisions<br />

In accordance with IAS 37, provisions are recognised where a present obligation exists to third parties as a result of a past event; where<br />

a future outflow of resources is probable; and where a reliable estimate of that outflow can be made. Future outflows are estimated with<br />

respect to particular specific risks. Provisions not resulting in an outflow of resources in the year immediately following are recognised at<br />

their settlement value discounted to the balance sheet date based on the effective interest method. Discounting is based on market<br />

interest rates.<br />

Where there are a number of similar obligations, the likelihood that an outflow will be required in settlement is determined by considering<br />

the class of obligations as a whole. A provision is recognised even if the likelihood of an outflow with respect to any one item included in<br />

the same class of obligations may be small.<br />

1.13 Liabilities<br />

Non-current liabilities are recognized initially at fair value. Subsequently they are recorded at amortized cost in the balance sheet. Any<br />

differences between proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the repayment amount and the redemption value are recognized in the<br />

income statement over maturity period using the effective interest method. Current liabilities are recognized at their repayment or<br />

settlement value.<br />


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