Fiscal year 2010/11 - Poverty Alleviation Fund, Nepal

Fiscal year 2010/11 - Poverty Alleviation Fund, Nepal

Fiscal year 2010/11 - Poverty Alleviation Fund, Nepal


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List of Abbreviations and Acronyms<br />

AEPC<br />

Alternative Energy Promotion Center<br />

CBS<br />

Central Bureau of Statistics<br />

CD<br />

Capacity Development<br />

CO<br />

Community Organization<br />

CI<br />

Community Infrastructure<br />

COP<br />

Community Organization of Poor<br />

CB<br />

Capacity Building<br />

CCP<br />

Community Contribution Plan<br />

CBOs<br />

Community Based Organizations<br />

CG<br />

Community Group<br />

CIP<br />

Community Infrastructure Project<br />

DDC<br />

District Development Committee<br />

DNPWC<br />

Department of National Park and Wildlife Conservation<br />

EIA<br />

Environmental Impact Assessment<br />

FPCRTF<br />

Food Price Crisis Response Trust <strong>Fund</strong><br />

FMR<br />

Financial Management Report<br />

FNCCI<br />

Federation of <strong>Nepal</strong>ese Chamber of Commerce and Industries<br />

GOs<br />

Governmental Organizations<br />

GIZ<br />

German International Cooperation<br />

GoN<br />

Government of <strong>Nepal</strong><br />

IG<br />

Income Generation<br />

IEE<br />

Initial Environmental Examination<br />

IESE<br />

Initial Environmental and Social Examination<br />

IDA<br />

International Development Agency, World Bank<br />

IFAD<br />

International <strong>Fund</strong> for Agriculture Development<br />

LDO<br />

Local Development Officer<br />

LDF<br />

Local Development <strong>Fund</strong><br />

LFLP<br />

Leasehold Forestry and Livestock Program<br />

MDGs<br />

Millennium Development Goals<br />

MIS<br />

Management Information System<br />

MLD<br />

Ministry of Local Development<br />

MoU<br />

Memorandum of Understanding<br />

NDM<br />

<strong>Nepal</strong> Development Market Place<br />

NEA<br />

<strong>Nepal</strong> Electricity Authority<br />

NGOs<br />

Non Governmental Organizations<br />

NPC<br />

National Planning Commission<br />

NOA<br />

Non Operating Account<br />

OA<br />

Operating Account<br />

OAG<br />

Office of the Auditor General<br />

O and M<br />

Operation and Maintenance<br />

PAF<br />

<strong>Poverty</strong> <strong>Alleviation</strong> <strong>Fund</strong><br />

PO<br />

Partner Organization<br />

PSOs<br />

Private Sector Organizations<br />

PM<br />

Portfolio Manager<br />

PMR<br />

Project Management Report<br />

RBB<br />

Rastriya Banijya Bank<br />

REDP<br />

Rural Energy Development Programme<br />

RCIW<br />

Rural Community Infrastructure Works<br />

R & D<br />

Research and Development<br />

SM<br />

Social Mobilization<br />

SAs<br />

Service Agencies<br />

SNV<br />

Netherlands Development Organization<br />

SRI<br />

System of Rice Intensification<br />

TAC<br />

Technical Appraisal Committee<br />

TU<br />

Tribhuwan University<br />

UG<br />

User Group<br />

UNICEF<br />

United Nations International Children’s Emergency <strong>Fund</strong><br />

USAID<br />

United States Agency for International Development<br />

USD<br />

United States Dollar<br />

VDC<br />

Village Development Committee<br />

VCDP<br />

Vulnerable Community Development Plan<br />

WFP<br />

World Food Programme<br />

WB<br />

World Bank<br />

ii ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT (<strong>2010</strong>/20<strong>11</strong>)

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