WHAT'S NEW @ KINETIC???!!! - Kinetic Video

WHAT'S NEW @ KINETIC???!!! - Kinetic Video

WHAT'S NEW @ KINETIC???!!! - Kinetic Video


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THE NERVOUS SYSTEM: Neurons, Networks & the Brain<br />

Begins by examining the structure and function of<br />

neurons; resting, action and post-synaptic potentials; and<br />

reflexes and neural networks. The peripheral, somatic,<br />

autonomic, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous<br />

systems are introduced before looking at the central<br />

nervous system. After describing spinal cord structure and<br />

function the program then examines the human brain<br />

including the medula, pons, and cerebellum of the<br />

hindbrain; the recticular formation of the midbrain; and<br />

the thalamus, limbic system and cerebral cortex of the<br />

forebrain. 39 minutes<br />

IMMUNOLOGICAL SYSTEM: Recognition, Attack and<br />

Memory<br />

Starts by looking at external barriers to microbial attack<br />

such as the skin and mucus membranes and non-specific<br />

internal defenses such as macrophages, natural killer<br />

cells, and the inflammatory response. The program then<br />

delves into the immune response including the recognition<br />

of invaders by antibodies and T-cell receptors, the<br />

destruction of invaders by antibodies and cytotoxic Tcells,<br />

and the immunity conferred by memory cells. A<br />

discussion of how vaccinations work and current AIDS<br />

research concludes the program. 33 minutes<br />

THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Molecular Messengers,<br />

Chemical Control<br />

First looks at the chemical structure of various hormones,<br />

the hormone receptors found on target cells, and the<br />

feedback mechanisms that regulate hormone levels. After<br />

explaining the difference between exocrine and endocrine<br />

glands the program then looks at the various endocrine<br />

glands and organs including: the hypothalamus; the<br />

pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands; the<br />

pancreas, testes and ovaries; and organs such as the<br />

thymus, kidneys, stomach, small intestine and heart that<br />

produce hormones. 32 minutes<br />


Molecular Transport<br />

Looks at the flow of air through the conducting portions of<br />

the respiratory system to the alveoli before examining:<br />

the role of hemoglobin in gas exchange and O2 and CO2<br />

transport in the blood; the operation of the respiratory<br />

control center; and the mechanics of breathing. The<br />

program then investigates the composition of blood and<br />

how it flows through the heart, arteries, capillaries and<br />

veins before looking at the role of the lymphatic system in<br />

fighting infection, transporting fats, and returning<br />

interstitial fluid to the blood. 35 minutes<br />

DIGESTION AND EXCRETION: Absorption, Excretion, and<br />

Homeostasis<br />

First examines the mechanical and chemical breakdown of<br />

food that occurs in the mouth and stomach before looking<br />

at digestion and absorption in the small intestine and the<br />

enzymes and other chemicals secreted by the liver, gall<br />

bladder, and pancreas that aid in the process. The<br />

program then looks at the synthesis of vitamins by<br />

bacteria in the large intestine and then goes on to explore<br />

the complex structures in the kidney that allow them to<br />

filter wastes out of the blood while returning water and<br />

nutrients. 30 minutes<br />


Defining Our Form<br />

Begins by introducing the dermis and epidermis of the<br />

skin; the sweat and sebaceous glands; and the skins role<br />

in protecting against microbial invasion, ultra-violet<br />

radiation and in producing vitamin D. The program then<br />

looks in-depth at the structure and function of skeletal,<br />

cardiac and smooth muscle before looking at the structure<br />

of cartilage and bone and the skeletal systems role in<br />

protecting vital organs, producing blood cells, storing<br />

nutrients and in conjunction with the muscular system,<br />

producing movement. 28 minutes<br />

#12250/0198 Six programs 2008. $119.95 each or Series $629.95 Grades 8 to 12<br />

THE SECRET LIFE OF THE BRAIN “Highly Recommended”<br />

A startling new map of the human brain has emerged during the past decade of neuroscience research, contradicting much of<br />

what was previously believed. Narrated by Blair Brown and directed by David Grubin, this series tells stories through a mix of<br />

personal histories, expert commentary, and cutting-edge animation. Viewers learn startling new truths about the brain.<br />

THE BABY'S BRAIN: Wider Than the Sky - Less than a month after conception, human brain cells are developing at the rate<br />

of 500,000 per minute. Billions of cells linked by trillions of connections form the brain, but how does it organize itself? What<br />

are the roles played by genetics and environment in brain development? Episode One traces formation of the infant brain<br />

through age one, the period when it is most open to molding through external influence and experience.<br />

THE CHILD'S BRAIN: Syllable from Sound<br />

The explosion of language in young children provides a dramatic illustration of the young brain at work. How do we learn to<br />

talk? How do we learn to read? Unlike adults, in whose brains most linguistic activity is restricted to the left hemisphere, very<br />

young children respond to language with the entire brain. But what happens when the brain is physically compromised? And<br />

what are the physical roots of language disorders such as dyslexia?<br />

THE TEENAGE BRAIN: A World of their Own - Parents who believe teenagers are different from other humans may be<br />

comforted to learn that it is literally true. During puberty the brain is a work in progress, teeming with hormones; areas that<br />

direct reasoning and impulse control are still in development. During adolescence, people are especially susceptible to<br />

addiction and schizophrenia, two areas under intensive study and benefiting from increased understanding of brain function.<br />

THE ADULT BRAIN: To Think By Feeling<br />

The brain is the seat of both intellect and emotion, and this episode chronicles the critical balance between these processes<br />

and explores what happens when the balance is lost. Scientists draw insight from the stories of a stroke victim and a sufferer<br />

of post-traumatic stress disorder, and break new ground in the struggle to understand and treat depression.<br />

THE AGING BRAIN: Through Many Lives<br />

For years, science has suggested that we lose vast numbers of brain cells as we grow older; now it turns out that this is not<br />

true -- in fact, healthy brains continue to produce new neurons well into the 70s. Drawing on the most recent neuroscience<br />

discoveries, this episode presents a new view of how the brain ages, focusing in part on the remarkable strides being made in<br />

understanding stroke, Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease.<br />

#12610/1725 Five 60-minute programs on 3 DVDs $179.95 for the set *CC<br />


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