WHAT'S NEW @ KINETIC???!!! - Kinetic Video

WHAT'S NEW @ KINETIC???!!! - Kinetic Video

WHAT'S NEW @ KINETIC???!!! - Kinetic Video


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"A ravishing, eye-poppingly gorgeous, visually rich documentary that uses lavish computer graphics, mines a rich vein of<br />

Hollywood films and popular songs for illustration and switches from the frescoes of classical Rome to the hustle of the<br />

modern city's streets." Radio Times<br />

Rome had burnt to a cinder but the 26 year-old Emperor Nero turned this tragedy into a triumph by ordering the construction<br />

of the grandest, most ostentatious building on earth - the Domus Aurea or Golden House. It was a creation of great beauty<br />

but became a place renowned for violence and sexual perversion where the infamous emperor would satisfy his darkest<br />

desires. #12198/1893 50 minutes 2001 $279.95<br />

WORLD RELIGIONS: A Common Journey<br />

What is religion? How does it reflect the culture in which it exists? And what functions does it serve? There are key questions<br />

asked by virtually every human culture. Those questions, and the way different religions go about revealing the answers,<br />

shine a light on what all people and cultures have in common. Explore the differences between religion and spirituality and<br />

see how they often work hand-in-hand. Discover how religious practices, religious specialists, rituals, and rites of passage<br />

serve to answer deeply felt questions. #12502/1120 25 minutes 2009 $125.95 *CC<br />

INSIDE THE KORAN "This thoughtful, intelligent documentary asks all the right questions." - The Guardian (London)<br />

"A remarkable documentary. The audience will understand the difference between culture and religion."<br />

Mike Ghouse, President, World Muslim Congress<br />

The Koran is one of the most ideologically influential texts in the world, with over a billion Muslims following its precepts.<br />

Yet within this singular religious community there are profound differences in attitudes about peace, violence, punishment,<br />

forgiveness and the status of women, among others. In this eye-opening film, award-winning director Antony Thomas goes<br />

deep into the heart of the Muslim world, exploring the history and current state of Islam. He also examines the personal lives<br />

of his subjects, who range from ayatollahs and grand imams to simple farmers and women living in veiled seclusion; their<br />

relationship with this holy Book reveals a complex, beautiful and often contradictory guide for humanity.<br />

#12725/0645 94 minutes 2008 $249.95<br />

ANTI-SEMITISM IN THE 21ST CENTURY: The Resurgence (Educator's Edition)<br />

Although hatred of the Jewish people is often found at the margins of society, anti-Semitism appears to be approaching a<br />

groundswell in many parts of the world. This program examines the phenomenon at institutional and grassroots levels,<br />

focusing primarily on the Middle East and the complex history behind its conflicts. Viewers will encounter several provocative<br />

ideas about Islamic anti-Semitism and the attitudes Jews and Muslims have developed concerning each other. Celebrated<br />

historian Bernard Lewis, former Israeli Prime Minister Natan Sharansky, Iranian-American author Reza Aslan, Egyptian<br />

journalist Mona Eltahawy, and other experts propel this timely discussion. *Narrated by veteran TV journalist Judy Woodruff.<br />

(57 minutes + 45 minutes of bonus material - features extended interview footage). #12120/0635 57 minutes 2007 $249.95<br />

BANKING ON HEAVEN: The Inside Story of Warren Jeffs' Polygamist Cult<br />

This documentary film exposes the largest polygamous enclave in the United States and its leader, Warren Jeffs. Written,<br />

produced, and narrated by Laurie Allen, who escaped a similar polygamous sect at age sixteen. The program focuses on the<br />

Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS Church), a schismatic polygamous sect of the Latter Day<br />

Saint movement that (at the time of the creation of the film) existed in Colorado City, Arizona. The documentary holds<br />

interviews with many escapee's as well as those that have been excommunicated from the church. The documentary also<br />

interviews law enforcement as well as Utah and Arizona State politicians and poses questions on what can be done to rescue<br />

or help the women of the FLDS. #12060/1570 80 minutes 2007 $149.95<br />



Information-packed, this program shows how to use the "six tips plan" to graphic design. Friends help Kelsey with a design<br />

dilemma as she creates a poster for a charity drive. With the help of their school Art/Business teacher, they develop a poster<br />

that "works" - in other words - it includes all important information and catches the attention of other students!<br />

Covers the following marketing tools:<br />

* A picture says a thousand words.<br />

* Divide and conquer.<br />

* Answer the 5 Ws.<br />

#12986/1290 12 minutes 2005 Includes Teaching Materials $89.95<br />

* Use the "Z" format.<br />

* Reverse the font and catch the eye.<br />

* Forget the feet.<br />


This presentation examines the techniques and methods used by geographers to gather and analyze data. It covers such<br />

topics as the scientific method, quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, field techniques, cartography, remote<br />

sensing, and geographic information systems. PowerPoint Mac/Win<br />

#12954/0880 2008 $239.95<br />


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