grammar of irish.pdf - Cryptm.org

grammar of irish.pdf - Cryptm.org

grammar of irish.pdf - Cryptm.org


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OHAJP. V.JTHE VERB. 53Past.1. buaileap, I struck. 1. buaileairtap, we 9truck.2. buailip, thou struckest. 2. buaileabap, ye struck.3. buailpe, he struck. 3. buaileabap, they struck.Old form <strong>of</strong> Past.1. buaileap. 1. buailpeam orbuailpiom.2. buailip. 2. buaileabap.3. buaileapcap. 3. buailpeab, or buailpiob,or buailpeabap.Constietudinal Past1. buailinn, I used to 1. buailimfp.we used to strike.strike.2. buailced, thou usedst 2. buailcf, ye used to strike.to strike.3. buaileab pe, he used to 3. buailibfp, they used tostrike.strike.Future.1. buailpeab, I will strike. 1. buailpimfb, we will strike.2. buailpip, thou wilt strike. 2. buailpib, ye will strike.3. buailpib pe, he will strike. 3. buailpib, they will strike.(For the relative form <strong>of</strong> this tense, see p. 55.)Conditional Mood.1. buailpinn, I would 1. buailpnnfp, we wouldstrike.strike.2. buailped, thou wouldst 2. buailpib, ye would strike.strike.3. buailpeab pe, he would 3. buailpibfp, they wouldstrike.strike.Inf. Mood. Do bualab, to strike. Part. 05 bualab, striking,

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