CLIENT NAME - Sarasota.WaterAtlas.org

CLIENT NAME - Sarasota.WaterAtlas.org

CLIENT NAME - Sarasota.WaterAtlas.org


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• A cover for the sedimentation basin will be installed in 2006. The cover likely will bean aluminum roof with screened walls.• The County may construct up to 5 additional groundwater wells in the future toincrease rotational capabilities.• A project to install new air pipes to transfer compressed air to the facility is currentlyunderway. The project also entails replacing the existing air compressor with a newcompressor. The air will provide power for tools and may operate new valves on theEDR units, depending on system upgrades. Summary of Key Operational and Infrastructure IssuesDuring interviews with facility staff, several operational and infrastructure issues wereidentified. Notes from visits with Carlton WTF staff are included in Appendix B. Thefollowing points summarize the problems that were identified by facility staff:• The pressure filter PLCs require frequent replacement (approximately every 2 years)due to corrosion of the chassis in the rear of the PLC. Facility staff would like torelocate these PLCs in future facility upgrades.• A new SCADA system, software, and computer system is needed for the facility, aswell as for the entire water system. The system is often overloaded with information,runs slow, and is hard to manipulate. Wonderware is installed at the Venice GardensWTF and is being tested at the University WTF. Depending on the trial runs at theUniversity WTF, Wonderware may be implemented at the Carlton WTF.• The facility still has several original PLCs, including PLCs on the individual EDR units,which are outdated and difficult to obtain new parts.• The motor operated valve (MOV) couplers in the EDR units wear out quickly and arehard to repair. Facility staff must retrofit the couplers themselves becausereplacement valves are not compatible.• Chemical feed piping is difficult to access due to its location in tunnels under concretesidewalks.• The process feed pump room sits at a low elevation, gathering water that leads toaccelerated corrosion of the equipment and wiring.• As the facility grows, they will need additional staff. Currently, the facility is operatedand maintained by 14 persons, including 2 supervisors, 11 operators/maintenancepersonnel, and 1 pump mechanic. As the production of the facility increases, theFINAL - August 31, 2005 20H:\Client\SAR Co_SAR\6873C00 WATER SUPPLY MASTER PLAN UPDATE\Deliverables\TM 2 - Water System Assets\Final\TM2 Final.doc

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