CLIENT NAME - Sarasota.WaterAtlas.org

CLIENT NAME - Sarasota.WaterAtlas.org

CLIENT NAME - Sarasota.WaterAtlas.org


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YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. Groundwater PumpingThe Jacaranda Wellfield has 7 constructed, permitted wells and 1 un-drilled, permitted well.Permitted withdrawals for the wells range from 500,000 to 600,000 gallons per day (350 to415 gpm) per well. Each well is dedicated to one side of the facility, either Building 1 orBuilding 2. Wells #1 through #5 supply Building 2 and are currently not in service sinceBuilding 2 is not being operated. Wells #6 and #7 supply Building 1, as will Well #8 after it isconstructed. Production wells range in their water quality, pump speed and type, andwithdrawal rate. After the Building 2 rehabilitation is complete, Wells #1 through #5 will beassessed and any repairs or adjustments will be made to allow these wells to providesupply to the new membrane system.Chloride concentration limits were established to control the effects of withdrawals and tomanage potential increases in water quality parameters. According to the County’s WUP, ifthe chloride concentration exceeds 1000 mg/L the County must take action to reduce theconcentration to below the permitted limits.Further information regarding the Jacaranda Wellfield including well capacities and rawwater quality is provided in Appendix C.The County recently acquired the permitted quantities for two additional wells, RO-9 andRO-10, after purchasing land that had an existing WUP. These two wells are not yetconnected to the Venice Gardens WTF, but they could provide additional flow in the future.Each well is permitted to supply 440,000 gallons per day on an annual average basis, witha peak month quantity of 576,000 gallons per day. Reverse OsmosisBuilding 1 - Prior to entering the facility, water flows through a static mixer where sulfuricacid and an anti-scalant are added to lower the pH and to protect the membranes againstscaling, respectively. Upon entering the facility, water flows through one of two cartridgefilters to remove fine silts and sands. Currently, the facility is utilizing only 1 cartridge filter.The cartridge filters house eighty-five 30-inch extended core 5-micron filters. Provisions fora third cartridge filter were built into Building 1. Water pressure is then boosted by two 100-hp high pressure pumps to provide pressure for treatment through the reverse osmosis(RO) system. The RO system is comprised of 2 single-stage trains, each of which containten 8-inch diameter membrane vessels. Facility staff stated that the total productioncapacity of the RO units in Building 1 is 750,000 gallons per day. Pressure, flow,conductivity, and pH are monitored via automated instrumentation at the entry point to theRO skids. Building 1 is equipped to hold an additional 4 RO skids, for a total of 6 units atbuild-out conditions.FINAL - August 31, 2005 28H:\Client\SAR Co_SAR\6873C00 WATER SUPPLY MASTER PLAN UPDATE\Deliverables\TM 2 - Water System Assets\Final\TM2 Final.doc

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