CLIENT NAME - Sarasota.WaterAtlas.org

CLIENT NAME - Sarasota.WaterAtlas.org

CLIENT NAME - Sarasota.WaterAtlas.org


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2.2 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS<strong>Sarasota</strong> County participates in interlocal agreements with both Manatee County and thePR/MRWSA. The Manatee County agreement currently allows <strong>Sarasota</strong> County topurchase up to 10 mgd of their reserve capacity. The contract decreases the maximumreserve quantity of water through 2025, at which time the agreement expires. The availablecontracted reserve quantity from Manatee County is provided according to the followingschedule:• March 1, 2004 through March 31, 2008 - maximum daily reserve capacity of 10 mgd• April 1, 2008 through March 31, 2015 - maximum daily reserve capacity of 8 mgd• April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2020 - maximum daily reserve capacity of 6 mgd• April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2025 - maximum daily reserve capacity of 5 mgd• After March 31, 2025 - maximum daily reserve capacity of 0 mgd<strong>Sarasota</strong> County also has a contract to purchase 3.625 mgd from the PR/MRWSA and is agoverning member of this regional water provider. The County began to purchase waterfrom the PR/MRWSA after the Peace River Option project was completed in 2002. Prior tothe Peace River Option, the PR/MRWSA did not sell water to the County. In addition to theircontracted 3.625 mgd, the County purchases 2 mgd of capacity from another PR/MRWSAmember, Charlotte County, bringing the total water supplied to the County by thePR/MRWSA to 5.625 mgd. Negotiations between <strong>Sarasota</strong> and Charlotte Counties mayresult in <strong>Sarasota</strong> County giving this additional 2 mgd of capacity back to Charlotte Countyprior to the original contract expiration date of September 30, 2010.The quantity of water purchased from Manatee County ranged from 7 to 12 mgd prior to theinitiation of the PR/MRWSA supply. Since beginning to purchase water from thePR/MRWSA in 2002, the quantity of water purchased from Manatee County has decreasedto between 6 and 9 mgd, depending on demands. Figure 2.1 illustrates the monthlyaverage quantities purchased from Manatee County and the PR/MRWSA from 1997 to2004. Supply from the PR/MRWSA has typically ranged from approximately 4 to 5 mgd,although this flow may decrease during drought conditions.FINAL - August 31, 2005 3H:\Client\SAR Co_SAR\6873C00 WATER SUPPLY MASTER PLAN UPDATE\Deliverables\TM 2 - Water System Assets\Final\TM2 Final.doc

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