CLIENT NAME - Sarasota.WaterAtlas.org

CLIENT NAME - Sarasota.WaterAtlas.org

CLIENT NAME - Sarasota.WaterAtlas.org


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• Pump Station No. 1 (PS1) - PS1 is located on the University WTF grounds. PS1 isused regularly to introduce Manatee County water (from Manatee CountyInterconnect #1) and water from the University WTF to the County’s distributionsystem. Pump Station No. 1 can be fed directly from the University Ground StorageTank and/or from Manatee County Interconnect #1 as shown in Figure 2.11. The highservice pumps transporting water from the ground storage tank are not operated onautomatic setpoints. Rather, operators adjust the pumping rates manually to maintainthe correct blending ratio in the storage tank. On the day of the facility inspection, theManatee County to University wells blending ratio was approximately 1:1, blendingapproximately 1.2 mgd of each source to fill the University Ground Storage Tank. Theremaining Manatee County water flows directly from Manatee County Interconnect #1to Pump Station No. 1, where booster pumps are operated if Manatee Countypressure drops. A bypass line is available if boosting is not necessary. A check valveprevents boosted water from entering the bypass line when the pumps are operating.Operators stated that typically 4 to 5 mgd flows directly from Manatee CountyInterconnect #1 to Pump Station No. 1 without entering the ground storage tank.• Pump Station No. 2 (PS2) - PS2 is located on Beneva Road north of Bahia VistaStreet and contains two high service pumps. PS2 is normally not used, although ifsystem pressures drop to less than 48 psi, the pumps start and operate with VFDs tokeep system pressures above 48 psi. Water flows from north to south at PS2, and acheck valve is installed to prevent water from moving north in the system at thislocation. PS2 was upgraded in 2000 with new yard piping.• Pump Station No. 3 (PS3) - PS3 is located just northeast of the intersection of TuttleAvenue and Clark Road. This pump station contains two high service pumps and onediesel backup pump, and according to facility staff, is never used because it is notneeded. However, the pump station has been maintained in case systemrequirements change and it is needed once again. County staff feels that the stationcould be utilized if it were retrofitted as a booster station.• Pump Station No. 4 (PS4) - PS4 is located on Lakewood Ranch Boulevard just southof University Parkway and contains two high service pumps. PS4 was designed as afire flow pump station. County staff indicated that the pumps at PS4 are seized andinoperable. However, PS4 is not needed due to the high pressures and flow of waterentering the system from Manatee County at Manatee County Interconnect #3(MCI3), as well as the elevated tank located just south of the station. In addition, apressure reducing valve is in operation at the exit of PS4 in case the valve at MCI3fails. The valve at PS4 is typically set at 15% open.FINAL - August 31, 2005 46H:\Client\SAR Co_SAR\6873C00 WATER SUPPLY MASTER PLAN UPDATE\Deliverables\TM 2 - Water System Assets\Final\TM2 Final.doc

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