Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...

Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...

Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...


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<strong>State</strong> of GeorgiaFederal Awards Findings and Questioned CostsFor the <strong>Fiscal</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Ended</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>The Department's ARRA 1512 submission included overreporting of expenditures in the amount of$2,400,269.04.Criteria:Cause:Effect:Recommendation:Federal regulations (20 CFR 667.<strong>30</strong>0) require the Department ensure that reported information isaccurate and reconciled as necessary.The deficiencies noted were the result of the Department's failure to ensure the timely reporting ofexpenditures and drawdown requests of subrecipients and that adequate internal control procedureswere in place to ensure that the ARRA 1512 reports are reconciled to the accounting records prior totheir submission.Because of deficiencies within the subrecipient monitoring of drawdown requests and accountingpolicies, the expenditure information on the ARRA 1512 report was overstated. In addition, failure toadhere to prescribed internal control procedures could result in the submission of inaccurate and/orincomplete reports.The Department of Labor should ensure that established internal control procedures for reporting areadequate and operating as designed. The Department should also ensure that established internalcontrol procedures for monitoring and collecting subrecipient expenditures and drawdown requests areadequate and operating as designed so as to report accurate and complete information.Finding Control Number: FA-440-12-09REPORTING<strong>Report</strong>s not Reconciled to the Accounting RecordsWIA Adult Program (CFDA 17.258)WIA Youth Activities (CFDA 17.259)WIA Dislocated Workers (CFDA 17.260)WIA Dislocated Worker Formula Grants (CFDA 17.278)U.S. Department of LaborGrant Awards: <strong>Year</strong> 2001 - AA-21390-11-55-A-13; <strong>Year</strong> 2010 - AA-20189-10-55-A-13; <strong>Year</strong> 2009 - AA-18634-09-55-A-13Condition:Criteria:Information:Cause:Effect:Recommendation:Our examination of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) cluster program ETA-91<strong>30</strong> financial reportsincluded a total of 74 individual reports for the quarters ended December 31, 2011 and <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>.We noted that 11 reports did not reconcile to the financial information maintained within theaccounting records and the subsidiary Grants Administration Financial System (GAFS).Federal regulations (20 CFR 667.<strong>30</strong>0) require the Department to ensure that reported information isaccurate and reconciled as necessary.The Department utilized information from the FARS accounting system and the GAFS to prepare theETA-91<strong>30</strong> reports. Three (3) fund ledgers (5<strong>30</strong>0, 5<strong>30</strong>1, and 5310) from FARS and one (1) report(FS450L1) from GAFS should be used to prepare the ETA-91<strong>30</strong> reports.The deficiencies noted were the result of the Department's failure to ensure that the internal controlprocedures in place for reporting were consistently performed and that adequate internal controlprocedures were in place to ensure that the financial reports are reconciled to the accounting recordsprior to their submission.Failure to adhere to prescribed internal control procedures could result in the submission of inaccurateand/or incomplete reports.The Department of Labor should ensure that established internal control procedures for reporting areadequate and operating as designed. The Department should also develop and implement additionalinternal control procedures to ensure that reports reconcile to the accounting records and anydifferences are properly investigated and documented. The Department should follow guidelines108

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