Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...

Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...

Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...


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<strong>State</strong> of GeorgiaFinancial <strong>State</strong>ment Findings and Questioned CostsFor the <strong>Fiscal</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Ended</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>inadequate internal controls over contractual obligations increase the risk of material misstatement inthe financial statements including misstatements due to error or fraud.Recommendation:The Department of Transportation should develop and implement additional internal control policiesand procedures that will enable management to consistently identify and investigate delays in therecording of consultant, railroad, utility and right-of-way contracts and contract modifications. Inaddition, management should monitor controls over the construction contract recording process toensure that the controls are properly performed and documented.Finding Control Number: FS-484-12-03CAPITAL ASSETSInadequate Capital Asset Records - LandCondition:Criteria:Cause:Effect:Recommendation:The Department of Transportation (Department) failed to maintain an adequate subsidiary capital assetinventory record for land. The Department's records as presented for audit did not include thefollowing information: Number of acres, location, parcel number, and total cost per parcel.The <strong>State</strong> Accounting Office's Accounting Policy Manual requires that state organizations maintain acomplete and accurate capital asset inventory record. The inventory record for land should includedetailed information such as number of acres or square footage, location, parcel number, and total costper parcel.The deficiency noted above is a result of management's failure to implement adequate policies andprocedures to ensure that the Department's capital assets are accounted for and reported in accordancewith guidelines established by the Accounting Policy Manual.Failure to maintain complete and accurate capital asset inventory records could result in themisappropriation of assets and a material misstatement in the financial statements.The Department of Transportation should maintain its land inventory in a manner such that each parcelof land identifies, at a minimum, the number of acres, location, parcel number, and cost (or estimatedhistorical cost).Finding Control Number: FS-484-12-100ACCOUNTING CONTROLS (OVERALL)GENERAL LEDGERFINANCIAL REPORTING AND DISCLOSUREBUDGETBudgetary Compliance DeficienciesCondition:Our examination of the Department of Transportation’s (Department) accounting records and statutorybasis financial statements as presented in the Budgetary Compliance <strong>Report</strong> disclosed the followingdeficiencies:1. We could not determine the accuracy of the prior year reserve carry-over amounts for “OtherFunds” by program, and consequently the subsequent adjustments to those balances in the currentyear.2. <strong>State</strong> Motor Fuel total funds available exceeded appropriated amounts, primarily attributable to aprior year audit adjustment amount from the Uncontrolled Program that was allocated by theDepartment to various programs during the current fiscal year. The amount adjusted during thefiscal year as reported under the column heading Program Transfers or Adjustments in the<strong>State</strong>ment of Funds Available and Expenditures Compared to Budget by Program and FundingSource was not appropriated to budget programs by the <strong>2012</strong> Amended Appropriations Act.65

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