Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...

Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...

Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...


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<strong>State</strong> of GeorgiaFinancial <strong>State</strong>ment Findings and Questioned CostsFor the <strong>Fiscal</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Ended</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>Each budget unit subject or subjecting to the allotment process is required to limit the total of itsexpenditures and contractual obligations of <strong>State</strong> general funds to the reduced amount inappropriations it then withdraws by warrant pursuant to the reduced allotment. In the obligation andexpenditure of Federal funds, a budget unit may not expend or obligate more in federal funds than ithas available for obligation by the appropriation and grant of relevant federal funds (with the additionof excess, changed or unanticipated federal funds also available to it). In the obligation andexpenditure of other funds, a budget unit may not expend or obligate more than it has in hand for thepurpose of the expenditure or encumbrance. 1975 Op. Att'y Gen. 75-88.Cause:The Department failed to exhibit that adequate controls were in place to appropriately manage theirfiscal responsibilities relating to their statutory (budgetary) basis financial statements to ensurecompliance with the <strong>2012</strong> Appropriations Act, as amended, (Final Budget) and Article VII, Section IVParagraph VIII of the Constitution of the <strong>State</strong> of Georgia.The Department experienced claims in excess of projections and available funds in several programsincluding Medicaid: Aged, Blind and Disabled program, the PeachCare program and the <strong>State</strong> HealthBenefit Plan. The Department ended the fiscal year with an overall departmental deficit of$31,9<strong>30</strong>,192.84 which was the result of several factors including the discovery of a prior yearaccounting error by the Department resulting in an inaccurate amount of reserves being recorded forthe prior fiscal year, higher than projected healthcare claims and an approximate 41% spike in claimsfrom the <strong>State</strong>’s largest Medicaid provider. The Department failed to act in a timely manner and totake the appropriate actions necessary to mitigate the resulting instances of noncompliance.Effect:Recommendation:For the programs as identified in the Condition paragraph and the attached organization, GeorgiaComposite Medical Board, management failed to comply with the Appropriations Act, as amended,(Final Budget) and the Constitution of the <strong>State</strong> of Georgia. The cumulative effect of these instancesof noncompliance are deemed to be material to the Department's BCR overall and supports aqualification of this information.The Department of Community Health should implement policies and procedures which address anyfuture budget reductions and closely monitor their expenditures throughout the year within all fundsources to insure that funds are available for these expenditures. If the situation arises where theDepartment feels they may be in budgetary noncompliance, all avenues of resolution such as seekingamended appropriations, fiscal affairs, etc., should be immediately explored as solutions.In addition, <strong>State</strong> government officers and the budget and accounting offices are being notified of thisdeficit fund balance for their respective consideration.Finding Control Number: FS-419-12-101ACCOUNTING CONTROLS (OVERALL)GENERAL LEDGERCASH, INVESTMENTS AND INVESTMENT RELATED ACTIVITYREVENUES AND RECEIVABLESBUDGETInadequate <strong>Year</strong>-End Close-Out and Accounting ProceduresCondition:The Department of Community Health (Department) failed to have an effective oversight process inplace relating to their year-end close-out procedures. The Department appeared to have an excessivenumber of post-closing adjusting entries after period 998, the TeamWorks Financial System year-endadjustment period. Also, final post-closing adjustments were still being made as late as November 16,<strong>2012</strong>; more than three (3) months after year-end close and three (3) business days after the Departmentagreed to submit their final Budgetary Compliance <strong>Report</strong> (BCR) for review.Based on responses by the Department to inquiries we made, the Department received and expensed 12months’ worth of CMO capitation (CAP) payments for the Medicaid: Low-Income Medicaid programin the <strong>2012</strong> Appropriations Act, as Amended, but only 10 months of payments were made during the34

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