Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...

Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...

Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...


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<strong>State</strong> of GeorgiaFederal Awards Findings and Questioned CostsFor the <strong>Fiscal</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Ended</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH FOUNDATION (*)Finding Control Number: FA-5092-12-01SPECIAL TESTS AND PROVISIONSRequired <strong>Report</strong>s Not Filed or Not Submitted on TimeResearch and Development ClusterCondition:Criteria:Cause:Effect:Recommendation:Certain financial and other reports required by grant and contractual agreements entered into by theResearch Foundation with various federal agencies were not submitted on time. Of a total of 31 reportsjudgmentally selected for testing, 2 were not submitted within the required timeframe.The Research Foundation is required to submit performance and financial reports as required by theaward terms and conditions. Such reports are required to be submitted within a specified timeframe asrequired by the applicable grant or contract agreement.Insufficient monitoring of compliance with the reporting terms and conditions of awards.A violation or failure to comply with an award’s terms and conditions may result in the Federal agencywithholding payments to the Research Foundation, withholding approval of further grants with theResearch Foundation, and any other action deemed necessary to gain compliance.Efforts should continue to be made by the Research Foundation to reemphasize policies andprocedures to ensure required reports are submitted to the contracting agencies by the specified duedates.Finding Control Number: FA-5092-12-02SPECIAL TESTS AND PROVISIONSFailure to Comply with Special Contract Terms and ConditionsResearch and Development ClusterCondition:Criteria:Cause:Effect:Recommendation:The Research Foundation was unable to provide documentation that the required income verificationhad occurred for participants in the After-School All-Stars Program as required under contract with the<strong>State</strong> of Georgia Department of Human Services.Per the Special Terms and Conditions of the program contract, the Research Foundation is required tocomplete and maintain on site a required Income Eligibility <strong>Report</strong>ing Form for each participant inorder to verify the program participants met the sponsoring agency’s guidelines.Insufficient monitoring of compliance with the special terms and conditions of awards.A violation or failure to comply with an award’s terms and conditions may result in the Federal agencywithholding payments to the Research Foundation, withholding approval of further grants with theResearch Foundation, and any other action deemed necessary to gain compliance.Efforts should be made by the Research Foundation to put in place policies and procedures to identifythe terms and conditions of each grant and contractual agreement and to monitor the program’scompliance with these terms and conditions.119

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