Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...

Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...

Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...


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<strong>State</strong> of GeorgiaSchedule of Prior <strong>Year</strong> Findings and Questioned CostsFor the <strong>Fiscal</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Ended</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS' COUNCILFinding Control Number: FS-418-09-01ACCOUNTING CONTROLS (OVERALL)Deficit Fund BalanceWe concur with this finding. Thank you for the opportunity to make a management response, to be included in theManagement <strong>Report</strong>, to the finding that the Prosecuting Attorneys Council over expended its allotment in violation of theBudget Act. While it is clear that the Council over expended its allotment, it is less clear that the Council violated the BudgetAct or any other provision of Georgia law.In the draft of your Budget <strong>Report</strong>, you state that the Council voluntarily accepted the 25 percent reduction of our <strong>June</strong>allotment. This suggests that the Council was consulted prior to the withholding of the allotment; and, of course, that was notthe case. In fact, the Council had attempted to draw funds from its appropriation but was denied. We were informed on <strong>June</strong>8, 2009, that our allocation would not be forthcoming.The 25 percent of the <strong>June</strong> allocation that was withheld was approximately $625,000. The original deficit was $681,447.86 inFY 2009 and was reduced to $597,319 at the end of FY 2010. The Council clearly understands that the treasury cannot giveus funds that it does not have. We further are aware of the difficulties placed on our state leaders in these difficult times.Those same conditions applied to our <strong>June</strong> payroll. When confronted with paying the 2009 obligation from the 2010allocation, a violation of public policy, or overspending our 2009 allocation, the Council chose what it believed to be thelesser of the evils.We are currently working with Georgia Department of <strong>Audit</strong>s and the Attorney General's Office to resolve the issue.New Comment, August 10, <strong>2012</strong>:Previous comments as to the cause of the finding remain valid. However, effort to address this finding has allowedProsecuting Attorneys' Council to reduce the fund balance deficit to $358,875.68. We still welcome, request and seekassistance from Department of <strong>Audit</strong>s, SAO, OPB, the Legislature and the Attorney General's Office for final resolution.COMMUNITY HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OFFinding Control Number: FA-419-11-04ELIGIBILITYVerification and Documentation of EligibilitySee current year finding SA 12-02 for status of the verification and documentation of Medicaid eligibility.Finding Control Number: FA-419-11-05MATCHING LEVEL OF EFFORT, EARMARKINGMatching of Allowable ExpendituresSee current year finding FA-419-12-04 for status of the matching of allowable expenditures.HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OFFinding Control Number: FA-427-11-10REPORTINGInternal Control DeficiencyDHS Grants Management has implemented new processes to improve the reconciliation of the federal reports to the generalledger. The Grant Accountants are required to post all work paper adjustments to the general ledger within <strong>30</strong> days of281

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