Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...

Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...

Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...


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<strong>State</strong> of Georgia<strong>Audit</strong>ee’s Corrective Action PlansFor the <strong>Fiscal</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Ended</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>Finding Control Number: FA-414-12-03REPORTINGInternal Control Deficiencies Regarding Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency ActThe GaDOE concurs with this finding. The Department will review its process to ensure timely reporting. However, underthe Tydings Amendment the Department is allowed to obligate funds beginning July 1 as per 34 CFR section 76.703, yet thereport is not populated in the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency system until October which exceeds the 60day reporting requirement. The Department will develop policies and procedures to give assurance when the five most highlycompensated officers reporting is required.Contact Person: Randy Trowell, Director of GaDOE FinanceTelephone: 404-656-2504 Fax: 404-657-5512 E-mail: rtrowell@doe.k12.ga.usPROSECUTING ATTORNEYS’ COUNCILFinding Control Number: FS-418-12-02GENERAL LEDGERBUDGETInadequate Accounting ProceduresWe concur with this finding. All of the accounting activity previously recorded in Solomon has been migrated to PeopleSoftas of July 1, <strong>2012</strong>. Therefore, this will not reoccur in the future.Contact Person: Geneva Turner, CPATelephone: 404-969-4001 Fax: 404-969-4020 E-mail: gmturner@pacga.orgCOMMUNITY HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OFFinding Control Number: FA-419-12-01PROCUREMENT AND SUSPENSION AND DEBARMENTControls Over and Compliance With ProcurementThe Department of Community Health concurs with this finding. The two contracts identified by the auditors as noncompliantare Contract #<strong>2012</strong>043 (Georgia Tech Research Corp.) and Contract #<strong>2012</strong>053 (Law Offices of Rich Wyde):1. Contract #<strong>2012</strong>043 (Georgia Tech Research Corp.)The drug-free workplace certification was included as an attachment in the contract sent to the contractor; however, thecontractor overlooked the attachment and neglected to sign it. Contracts Administration policy requires that all contractsand amendments that are returned signed by the contractors are thoroughly reviewed by the assigned contract specialistto ensure the signature page and all applicable exhibits and attachments have been completed and signed before thecontract is routed to the Department of Community Health signatories. In this instance, the contract specialist did notcatch the omitted signature on the drug-free workplace certification in her review. Once the oversight was brought to herattention, she contacted the contractor to obtain the required signature on this document so that the file would becomplete.To assist in preventing recurrences of this nature in the future, the manager of Contracts Administration will create achecklist to be used by each specialist to aid in his or her review. The contract specialist will be required to sign the checklistaffirming that he or she has confirmed that each document required to be completed and signed by the contractor has beencompleted and signed.Before the administrative assistant scans the executed contract into Laser Fiche and closes out the file, he or she willcomplete a second review and sign the checklist. This multi-layered review should drastically minimize the chances thatunsigned attachments to a contract will go undetected.<strong>30</strong>1

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