Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...

Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...

Single Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 - State ...


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<strong>State</strong> of GeorgiaFinancial <strong>State</strong>ment Findings and Questioned CostsFor the <strong>Fiscal</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Ended</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>Cause:Effect:Recommendation:A portion of the License Fees for Coin Operated Amusement Machines, as indicated above, wasretained by the Department to recover processing costs; however, we are unaware of either aconstitutional provision or a statutory authority allowing the Department to retain such fees.Retention and use of the aforementioned fees by the Department results in noncompliance with theGeorgia Constitution and O.C.G.A.As noted in the Information paragraph above, <strong>State</strong> funds to replace the retention of License Fees forCoin Operated Amusement Machines have been added to the Department of Revenue's budget by theAppropriations Act for fiscal year 2013. The Department of Revenue should consult with the AttorneyGeneral regarding any questions they may have regarding the constitutionality of or statutory authorityfor the retention of fees they collect.SECRETARY OF STATEFinding Control Number: FS-478-12-01ACCOUNTING CONTROLS (OVERALL)GENERAL LEDGERCASH, INVESTMENTS AND INVESTMENT RELATED ACTIVITYInadequate Bank Reconciliation and Accounting ProceduresCondition:Criteria:During our review of the Office of the Secretary of <strong>State</strong>'s bank reconciliation process, we notedinstances where the bank reconciliations and the bank reconciliation approvals were not performed in atimely manner and an instance where a reconciling item was not recorded on the general ledger in atimely manner.In accordance with Cash Management Policies and Procedures Policy Number CM-100008 - BankReconciliation Policy and Procedure issued by the <strong>State</strong> Accounting Office (SAO), "All Agencies shallreconcile their state bank accounts monthly by an employee not involved in recording cash receiptsand disbursements. All monthly reconciliations should be reviewed and signed by a fiscal officer whodid not participate in the reconciling function. Book reconciling items shall be investigated andadjusting book entries shall be recorded within the same month as monthly bank reconciliation sheetsare received."An adequate system of internal controls calls for the performance of a monthly reconciliation betweenthe bank statement and the general ledger. Each bank reconciliation should be should be reviewed andapproved by someone not involved with the reconciliation and all reconciling items should becorrected in a timely manner.Information:Our review of the bank reconciliation for four (4) bank accounts at the Office of the Secretary of <strong>State</strong>revealed 15 instances where the reconciliation was not performed within <strong>30</strong> days and 20 instanceswhere the review and approval of the bank reconciliations were performed after 60 or more days.In addition for the Operations Bank Account, we noted that two (2) items listed as "Items in Transit"originally posted to the December 2011 reconciliation were still showing as reconciling items on the<strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong> bank reconciliation.Cause:Effect:These deficiencies were the result of the Department's failure to adequately manage and monitor thebank reconciliation process, including adjusting the general ledger in a timely manner when applicable.In addition, the Accounting Supervisor for the Office of the Secretary of <strong>State</strong> indicated that there hadbeen significant turnover in staff during the past year and that this issue would be corrected goingforward.The failure to maintain an effective bank reconciliation process increases the risk of materialmisstatements in the financial statements including misstatements due to fraud.62

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