Fire in our hearts - The Jesus Army

Fire in our hearts - The Jesus Army

Fire in our hearts - The Jesus Army


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FIRE IN OUR HEARTSAWAKE O ZION!We have overlooked Christ as the revolutionary teacher, thecontroversialist, the provocative preacher, the man who disregardedconvention and protocol, the implacable opponent ofthe religious establishment, the leader who associated with allthe wrong types and seemed <strong>in</strong>tent on provok<strong>in</strong>g rather thanplacat<strong>in</strong>g his critics. 42We felt we were pioneer<strong>in</strong>g someth<strong>in</strong>g that God was try<strong>in</strong>g toget across — hol<strong>in</strong>ess, brotherly love and k<strong>in</strong>gdom culture. Itwas all part of what any church should be — Zion, a propheticpeople, a city on a hill.We received snip<strong>in</strong>g and suspicion, but <strong>our</strong> communityhouses were open to visitors and <strong>our</strong> meet<strong>in</strong>gs public. Ourmessage was pungent but <strong>our</strong> <strong>hearts</strong> warm. True, <strong>our</strong> style ofworship was more sober and, though some groups were <strong>in</strong>spiredby frequent visits to us, we rarely m<strong>in</strong>istered <strong>in</strong> otherchurches. Not that we got many <strong>in</strong>vitations! We determ<strong>in</strong>edto follow God’s call to build a strong fellowship. Like some ofthe new churches, we were pioneer<strong>in</strong>g with<strong>in</strong> the radical traditionand seek<strong>in</strong>g to rediscover the fullness of New Testamenttruth.So we dug <strong>in</strong> <strong>our</strong> heels and reached for <strong>our</strong> prophetic guns.Each week the chapel was packed out for the Saturday nightshoot-out as we urged Christians to full shar<strong>in</strong>g and brotherhood.Noel was conv<strong>in</strong>ced the charismatic renewal movementwas los<strong>in</strong>g steam for lack of radicality. Restoration leaderswere <strong>in</strong> agreement and from with<strong>in</strong> the renewal movementcame the cry: ‘Where now?’Many came to us disillusioned by sloppy Christianity <strong>in</strong> thechurches and hunger<strong>in</strong>g for clarity and commitment. Like Vic-157

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