Fire in our hearts - The Jesus Army

Fire in our hearts - The Jesus Army

Fire in our hearts - The Jesus Army


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FIRE IN OUR HEARTS THE LORD TOOK HOLD OF BUGBROOKEsend<strong>in</strong>g professional people <strong>in</strong>to <strong>our</strong> midst. <strong>The</strong> drop-outswoke up to f<strong>in</strong>d themselves disciples of <strong>Jesus</strong> (and got jobs!).<strong>The</strong> straights were suddenly surrounded by converted freaks.We just wanted to be together and see the work of God goforward. Church life was of overwhelm<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terest and therewas little time for the world and its pursuits.We didn’t th<strong>in</strong>k much of the ‘goggle box’ and quoted thispiece of ironic verse <strong>in</strong> <strong>Jesus</strong> Reality: ‘<strong>The</strong> TV is my shepherd.My spiritual growth shall def<strong>in</strong>itely want. It maketh me to sitdown and do noth<strong>in</strong>g for his name’s sake.’ 17We began to see how unconventional the first disciples of<strong>Jesus</strong> were. <strong>The</strong>y kicked the system. <strong>The</strong>y broke the mould.<strong>The</strong>y trusted God. <strong>The</strong>y left all else and shared <strong>in</strong> great simplicity.Around <strong>Jesus</strong> arose an upheaval of such dramatic proportionsthat the establishment put him down.Where did we stand? For revolution? Yes! A revolution oflove. A revolution that would turn the world’s values upsidedown. But that required commitment, and some among usdidn’t want the hassle. <strong>The</strong>re were many new converts buttoo few of us p<strong>our</strong>ed out <strong>our</strong> lives for them. Revival was bless<strong>in</strong>gat a cost. We had enjoyed the charismatic bless<strong>in</strong>gs, butwould we get on the charismatic cross?Some of the young Christians were overtak<strong>in</strong>g us <strong>in</strong> theirradical devotion to <strong>Jesus</strong>; others were rapidly backslid<strong>in</strong>g.<strong>The</strong>y could not be absorbed <strong>in</strong>to <strong>our</strong> middle-class lives. Godwas forc<strong>in</strong>g us to see that we had to make a choice betweenthe world’s culture and Christ’s church. We knew that thespirit of British culture had to go. A marvellous th<strong>in</strong>g thenemerged. Relationships formed that were spiritually based,85

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