Fire in our hearts - The Jesus Army

Fire in our hearts - The Jesus Army

Fire in our hearts - The Jesus Army


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FIRE IN OUR HEARTSON THE MARCHMany did to a high degree, and some of <strong>our</strong> deepest propheticwisdom came from non-residents, who were often verygrateful for what those <strong>in</strong> the community houses easily tookfor granted. <strong>The</strong>y were frequently around, stayed overnight,were active on the prayer watch, and used the Food DistributionCentre. <strong>The</strong>y carried a vision for their neighb<strong>our</strong>hood,and opened their homes to us. Non-residents were vital.All new members belonged to a servant group and a discipl<strong>in</strong>gband, as well as hav<strong>in</strong>g a shepherd and a ‘car<strong>in</strong>g brother’or sister. <strong>The</strong>y were ‘bone of <strong>our</strong> bone’ and part of <strong>our</strong> ‘family’.A smaller proportion fell away than is normal with moreimpersonal big mission evangelism. After a year some twentyper cent of <strong>our</strong> new members were not actively with us. Eventhat was heartbreak<strong>in</strong>g.We pushed further afield. Stoke was <strong>our</strong> northern frontier,and Mick ‘Temperate’ visited two friends there, Pete and John,who had ‘split’ from New Creation Hall some years ago. Pete’smother hadn’t slept properly for two years, but after theyprayed, she overslept and was late for work the next morn<strong>in</strong>g!Soon Mick had a coach team <strong>in</strong> Stoke where they metone of John’s friends. He sat <strong>in</strong> the meet<strong>in</strong>g and, when thecall to Christ was made, he felt someone jabb<strong>in</strong>g him <strong>in</strong> theback. He turned round, but no one was there! He was convertedthat night.Roy and Maggie encountered the supernatural, too. Royhad been a Christian for twenty years, but felt dry. What’smore, he didn’t believe <strong>in</strong> miracles — until he met someonewho radiated life and spoke <strong>in</strong> tongues. He welcomed Mick’sservant group to Stoke and was filled with the Spirit. But246

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