Annual Report 2011 - Sydney Opera House

Annual Report 2011 - Sydney Opera House

Annual Report 2011 - Sydney Opera House


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100GOVERNMENT REPORTING<strong>Sydney</strong> <strong>Opera</strong> <strong>House</strong> Courtesy Shuttle BusThis complimentary bus, which transports customers between Circular Quay and <strong>Sydney</strong><strong>Opera</strong> <strong>House</strong>, has established itself as an essential service for many elderly and lessmobile patrons. This year it carried in excess of 16,300 passengers.Courtesy Shuttle Bus Passengers 2007 to <strong>2011</strong>Customer Research<strong>Sydney</strong> <strong>Opera</strong> <strong>House</strong> led a joint databaseresearch project this year aiming toprovide a better understanding of theshared <strong>Sydney</strong> performing arts market.Working with <strong>Opera</strong> Australia, <strong>Sydney</strong>Symphony, The Australian Ballet,Australian Chamber Orchestra, BellShakespeare, <strong>Sydney</strong> Symphony and<strong>Sydney</strong> Theatre Company, informationfrom databases across all companies wasused to build a profile of customers andmap the key links between companiesand genres.By collaborating with resident andsupported companies, a comprehensiveunderstanding of the individual and sharedcustomer base can be formed and will beused to inform future shared data uses,audience development initiatives and jointcultural community promotions. Outcomesof the research project will be finalised inearly <strong>2011</strong>/12.Next year <strong>Sydney</strong> <strong>Opera</strong> <strong>House</strong> willundertake a Youth Audiences Review usinga range of research methods, includingdatabase research on schools and familybuying patterns, history, ticket prices andproduct type. Research findings will beused to inform programming and marketingapproaches for Kids at the <strong>House</strong>, BabiesProms and <strong>House</strong>:Ed presentations, as wellas associated education initiatives such asDigital Classrooms. This important researchwill provide <strong>Sydney</strong> <strong>Opera</strong> <strong>House</strong> withan in-depth understanding of all youthaudience segments, ensuring programmingand communication strategies continueto address and adapt to the culturaland educational needs of this importantcustomer group.Customer Service Feedback16,30018,00017,00015,00013,00010/11 09/10 08/09 07/08 06/07In line with our Customer FeedbackPolicy, <strong>Sydney</strong> <strong>Opera</strong> <strong>House</strong> aims toachieve excellence in customer serviceand business performance througheffective management of customerfeedback. <strong>Sydney</strong> <strong>Opera</strong> <strong>House</strong> welcomesand values complaints, compliments andsuggestions as positive tools for changeand improvement.All customer feedback and responsesare recorded and managed as CustomerService Issues in the Tessitura customerrelationship management system as asingle repository for customer feedback.

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