Annual Report 2011 - Sydney Opera House

Annual Report 2011 - Sydney Opera House

Annual Report 2011 - Sydney Opera House


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13StrategicGoalAchievementsOutcome(self-rated)The FutureCommunity Engagement and Access Pages 32-40Maximise communityparticipation andengagement.18,000 people attended free Open Day in 2010 (p.36). Open Day scheduled for 16 October <strong>2011</strong>.1,200 people attended free tours for AustralianHeritage Week (p.36).In the <strong>House</strong> youth engagement programcommenced for young people transitioning fromJuvenile Justice (p.36).Reconciliation Action Plan launched (p.36).Funding campaigns to support youthaccess to performances to continue.In the <strong>House</strong> youth engagement programto continue next year.Work experience and apprenticeshipprograms will be developed in line withthe Reconciliation Action Plan.Broaden reach andparticipation for audiencesbeyond Bennelong.YouTube Symphony Orchestra streamed 33 milliontimes world-wide (p.38).<strong>Opera</strong> Australia performances distributed to cinemanetworks through CinemaLive (p.38).Saltbush – Children’s Cheering Carpet tour toWestern <strong>Sydney</strong>, with six performances for 667people (p.38).Online presence will continue to growthrough new digital content.Development of global distributionnetworks and partnerships.Cultural Hubs pilot program to bringmore presentations to regional andrural NSW.Uphold customer serviceexcellence and enhanceaccess to facilities andprograms.Achieved 83% overall satisfaction for online customersatisfaction survey (target was 85%) (p.101).First program in <strong>Sydney</strong> of audio-described <strong>Opera</strong>Australia performances (p.40).85% overall satisfaction set as a targetfor next year.Continue to implement accessimprovements in line with the AccessStrategic Plan 2009/12.Sign-language (Auslan) tours introduced (p.102). Development of Access Strategic Plan2012/14.A Vibrant and Sustainable Site Pages 42-52Range of accessible performances and experiences foryoung people with a disability commenced (p.40).Accessible performance experiencesto continue.Build a vibrant precinctwith compelling onsiteexperiences.<strong>Opera</strong> Kitchen opened on the Lower Concourse (p.46).GRAPHIC and Vivid LIVE Festival bars (p.46).Retail offering to expand and Box OfficeStore refurbished.Kids Tour launched in partnership withTwo new tourism package experiences launched (p.46). <strong>House</strong>:Ed.Tour visitors totalled 292,148 (target was302,000) (p.46). Maintain tour visitors at 292,000.Implement key buildingdevelopment projects.Construction for Vehicle Access and Pedestrian Safetyproject commenced (p.48).Continue Vehicle Access and PedestrianSafety project.Design and tendering for Podium Waterproofingproject completed (p.48).Commence Podium Waterproofing project.Continue to work to secure funding forprojects to ensure the longevity andaccessibility of the building and site.Undertake high prioritymaintenance.33 major maintenance projects were delivered thisyear within expenditure targets of $8.5m (p.48).High priority and safety maintenanceprojects will continue to ensure thesafety and preservation of the building.Building Condition Indices achieved 84% (target of80% exceeded) (p.45).Achieve 80% for Building ConditionIndices.Stage 2 of the fire hydrant and hose reel upgrade 80%complete (p.105).Completion of Stage 2 of the fire hydrantand hose reel upgrade.Refurbishment of Lower Concourse retail and food andbeverage space (p.48).Four Lower Concourse escalators replaced and newDrama Theatre Sound System installed (p.48).High priority and safety maintenanceprojects will continue to ensure thesafety and preservation of the building.KEY: Completed Partial completion Not completed

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