Annual Report 2011 - Sydney Opera House

Annual Report 2011 - Sydney Opera House

Annual Report 2011 - Sydney Opera House


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101Online Customer Satisfaction Survey and ResultsThis survey is designed to measure the quality of services provided. Customers wereasked to rate their satisfaction from 1 (not satisfied) to 10 (extremely satisfied). Inthe past 12 months 2,233 visitors provided a rating of their experience, a significantincrease over previous years (684 in 2009/10, 359 in 2008/09 and 361 in 2007/08).Artistic quality/excellence was a new category from 2009/10 and measures satisfactionin the areas of artistic excellence, sound quality, lighting, set and costume design.Overall satisfaction with visit remained at 83% this year (83% in 2009/10 and 81%in 2008/09).10/11 09/10 08/09 07/08Overall satisfaction with visit 83% 83% 81% 78%Site presentation 87% 87% 84% 82%Artistic quality/excellence 90% 88% - -Performance support services 83% 84% 85% 80%Wilson car park 67% 67% 62% 65%Dining 72% 82% 74% 67%Tours 82% 80% 77% 83%Ticketing 84% 82% 80% 82%Overall Unsolicited Feedback 2006 to <strong>2011</strong>In 2010/11 166 compliments were received compared to 132 in 2009/10, an increase of 20%.In 2010/11 a total of 744 complaints were received compared to 631 in 2009/10,representing an increase of 15%. A number of complaints related to ticketing issuesexperienced with The Cure concert (97) and concerns over website overload issues andcustomers missing out on tickets.Type of Feedback 10/11 09/10 08/09 07/08 06/07Negative 744 631 661 266 305Positive 166 132 83 54 57Unsolicited Feedback by Category for 2010/11This information is broken down in the table below to represent the type of feedbackreceived in each major area. The Event/Performance category reflects feedback over a rangeof different performances for the year.Category Positive NegativeAudience behaviour 0 19Box Office counter fee 0 52Front of house 60 10Marketing 0 25Wilson car park 0 20Event/Performance 25 139Policies and procedures 1 22Pricing 0 4Seating 0 24Security 0 0Site and venues 2 43Retail and food 1 26Ticketing services 42 174Tourism 15 18Website 0 134Other 20 34Total 166 744Presenter SatisfactionMeasurement SurveysA detailed annual review was undertakenagain this year with participation by<strong>Sydney</strong> Symphony, <strong>Opera</strong> Australia,The Australian Ballet, <strong>Sydney</strong> TheatreCompany and Bell Shakespeare.Feedback was sought on the eventdelivery process, technical services, frontof house operations, building facilities,safety, catering, marketing services andother services provided. The survey rankssatisfaction from 1 (total dissatisfaction)to 7 (total satisfaction, no room forimprovement). The survey is completedby the presenting companies with afollow-up meeting to agree on actions.The <strong>Sydney</strong> <strong>Opera</strong> <strong>House</strong> team reconvenessix months after this meeting to monitorprogress and ensure continuous serviceimprovement.All participating companies activelyengaged in the process with a highlevel of detail under review. Overall,scores from each company improved onthe previous year. Areas that continuedto score consistently well with everycompany (6 out of 7 or higher) wereaccount management, first aid, invoicingand settlement, Recording Studio,Theatre Bars and Host Team. BuildingDevelopment and Maintenance improvedtheir overall ranking and Service Centrestaff received their first ever 7 ranking.The Emergency Planning and ResponseGroup increased their score and are nowamongst the top tier. One pleasing aspectwas the recognition of a much moreintegrated and cooperative environmentwithin the theatre technical teams. Areasidentified for improvement includemarketing services and dressing roomaccess, which will be managed throughtargeted meetings and activities withparticipating companies to addressspecific feedback.Irregular and one-off hirers werealso invited to participate in onlineversions of the survey. As with previousexperience, feedback received from thissurvey was overwhelmingly positive.

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