Annual Report 2011 - Sydney Opera House

Annual Report 2011 - Sydney Opera House

Annual Report 2011 - Sydney Opera House


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103Staff IntranetThe intranet was improved with thefollowing initiatives to reinforceOccupational Health and Safety practices,enhance information sharing and increaseorganisational efficiency:- online incident and hazard reportingsystem;- access to roster and associated eventinformation for technical crews (MyRoster);- enhanced in-house event informationsystem (What’s on Today); and- launch of an accessible repositoryfor a variety of departmental andcross organisational real time reportsand data.E-ProcurementA new e-procurement system waslaunched to enhance procurementprocesses, increase value for money andimprove cash flow management.Network ExpansionFurther enhancing access for staff andusers of the venues, the corporate networkand free internet wireless networks wereexpanded into all dressing rooms, insidetheatre spaces and the Western Foyers.ENERGY MANAGEMENT<strong>Sydney</strong> <strong>Opera</strong> <strong>House</strong> is committed toenvironmental sustainability, includingenergy management. The Energy SavingsAction Plan continued to be implementedand a number of energy managementinitiatives were completed in 2010/11:- new energy efficient pumps and anupgraded seawater cooling componenthave improved the air conditioningsystem energy consumption;- over 500 existing exit lights aroundthe building and step lights in theWestern theatres have been replacedwith low energy LED lights;- additional movement sensors wereinstalled and trials continued forlow energy lighting throughout thetheatres, foyers and patron accessareas;- an improved electricity metering andmonitoring system was implementedand eight additional meters installed;- participated in Earth Hour <strong>2011</strong> and its theme to go ‘Beyond the Hour’ by keepinglights off all night and conducting an internal energy efficiency campaign directed ateducation and modifying behaviours;- a National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) audit wasconducted on the Customs <strong>House</strong> tenancy, achieving a four star rating; and- 6% GreenPower was purchased and from 1 March <strong>2011</strong> Origin sponsored anadditional 4% GreenPower to bring the total to 10%. This will continue through toAugust 2012.In addition, broader environmental highlights include:- achieved Bronze Partner recognition status through participation in the NSWGovernment’s Sustainability Advantage program;- incorporated environmental sustainability training and education in staff inductionprograms;- developed a framework to manage environmental risk and legal compliance;- developed a sustainability action plan for the Vehicle Access and Pedestrian Safetyproject to incorporate ecologically sustainable design principles;- appointed a temporary part-time project manager in May <strong>2011</strong> to assist in designinga sustainable event management system and apply the new draft internationalstandard ISO20121 to SOH Presents events;- completed a carbon footprint calculation of Vivid LIVE <strong>2011</strong>;- developed a carbon footprint measurement and analysis tool for SOH Presents eventsas part of the Origin partnership;- carbon offsets were also purchased by Origin for Vivid LIVE <strong>2011</strong>; and- continued to implement the Water Savings Action Plan.Electricity, Gas and Water Use StatisticsElectricity use at <strong>Sydney</strong> <strong>Opera</strong> <strong>House</strong> decreased from last year by 5% throughimplementing energy efficiency upgrades.Electricity Use (MWh)10/11 09/10 08/09 07/08 06/07<strong>Sydney</strong> <strong>Opera</strong> <strong>House</strong> 17,825 18,688 17,707 18,730 19,056Offsite leases(office & storage)281 273 277 209 164Total 18,106 18,961 17,984 18,939 19,220Gas (GJ)<strong>Sydney</strong> <strong>Opera</strong> <strong>House</strong> 1,961 1,539 2,416 2,371 2,377Water (ML)<strong>Sydney</strong> <strong>Opera</strong> <strong>House</strong> 70 59 54 58 66Gas figures for 2010/11 are an estimate due to a malfunctioning meter which shows asignificant decrease in gas consumption that may not be correct. The 2009/10 figureis also likely incorrect due to this issue. The gas meter fault has been reported. Wateruse has increased due to an undetected leak in a pipe in a disused chlorine tank,contributing to significant increases in water usage. The pipe leak has been repairedand improved water metering and monitoring is scoped for implementation in <strong>2011</strong>/12to help identify excessive usage issues.

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