Truck/Trailer Refrigeration Unit - Sunbelt Transport Refrigeration

Truck/Trailer Refrigeration Unit - Sunbelt Transport Refrigeration

Truck/Trailer Refrigeration Unit - Sunbelt Transport Refrigeration

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4.18.2 Solenoid Valve -- Sporlana. Replacing the CoilNOTEThe coil may be replaced without removing therefrigerant or pumping the unit down.1. Remove top locknut, spacer cup and nameplate.2. Disconnect wiring and remove coil.3. Replace coil by reversing steps 1 and 2.b. Replacing Internal Components(See Figure 4-18)123456787. Place the enclosing tube locknut over theenclosing tube. Install spacer over enclosing tube makingsure it is seated properly in the enclosing tube locknut.Tighten enclosing tube locknut to a torque value of 20ft-lb (2.78 mkg). Do not overtighten.8. Install coil assembly, nameplate and top locknutor screw.9. Dehydrate and evacuate the system. (Refer toSection 4.9) Charge unit with refrigerant per Section4.10.10. Startunitandcheckoperation.4.19 CONDENSER COIL CLEANINGRemove all foreign material from the condenser coilby reversing the normal air flow (air is pulled in throughthe front). Compressed air or water may be used as acleaning agent. It may be necessary to use warm watermixed with any good commercial dishwasher detergent.Rinse coil with fresh water if a detergent is used.4.20 ADJUSTING THE COMPRESSORPRESSURE REGULATING VALVE (CPR)The CPR valve is factory pre-set and should not needadjustment. If it is necessary to adjust the valve for anyreason, proceed with the following outline.When adjusting the CPR valve, the unit must berunning in the high speed heat or defrost. This will ensurea suction pressure above the proper CPR setting.91 23101. Locknut/Screw2. Spacer Cup3. Nameplate4. Coil5. Spacer6. Locknut7. Enclosing Tube8. Gasket9. Seat Disc10. BodyFigure 4-18. Solenoid Valve (MHV) -- Sporlan1. Remove and store the refrigerant charge in anevacuated container. (Refer to Section 4.7.b)2. Remove the top locknut, spacer cup, nameplate,coil assembly and spacer.3. Using a 12 point, 1-3/8 inch box wrench, loosenthe enclosing tube locknut and bleed off remainingrefrigerant.4. Remove enclosing tube and locknut assembly.Thegasketisinsidetheenclosingtube.5. Remove seat disc from inside of body and checkfor obstructions and foreign material.6. Place the seat disc into the valve body with thesmallerdiameterendfacingup.1. Cap 2. Jam Nut 3. Setting ScrewFigure 4-19. Compressor Pressure RegulatingValveTo adjust the CPR valve, proceed as follows:a. Install a manifold gauge set.b. Remove cap (item 1) from CPR valve.c. With an 8 mm Allen wrench, loosen the jam nut(Figure 4-19, item 2).d. Using the 8 mm Allen wrench, adjust the settingscrew. To raise the suction pressure turn the setting screw(item 3) clockwise; to lower the suction pressure, turn thesetting screw counterclockwise. Refer to Section 1.5 forCPR valve setting.e. When the setting has been adjusted, tighten the jamnut securely against the setting screw (item 3). This willprevent any movement of the setting screw due tovibrationintheunit.Replacethecap.62-028844-18

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