NCOA Policy Letters - Soldier Support Institute - U.S. Army

NCOA Policy Letters - Soldier Support Institute - U.S. Army

NCOA Policy Letters - Soldier Support Institute - U.S. Army

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RUNNING HEAD: LET’S RETURN TO THE “FULL SPECTRUM” NCO 3General Document GuidelinesMargins: One inch on all sides (top, bottom, left, right)Font Size and Type: 12-pt. Times New RomanIndent first sentence of each paragraph Line Spacing: Double-space throughout the paper,including the title page, introduction/abstract, body of the document, references, appendixes,footnotes, tables, and figures.Spacing after Punctuation: Space once after commas, colons, and semicolons within sentences,two spaces after punctuation ending sentences.Alignment: Flush leftParagraph Indentation: 5-7 spacesActive voice: As a general rule, use the active voice rather than the passive voice. For example,use "We predicted that ..." rather than "It was predicted that ..."Order of Pages: Title page, Introduction/Abstract, Body, Conclusion, References, Appendixes,Tables, Figures.Length: no less than three and no more than five pages. Title page, appendixes, figures andreference pages do not count towards the length of the paper.5

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