2011-2012 Annual Report - Sto:lo Nation

2011-2012 Annual Report - Sto:lo Nation

2011-2012 Annual Report - Sto:lo Nation


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7. Stó:lō <strong>Nation</strong> Health Services Committee TOR;8. Skowkale BCCI Proposal;9. Various forms and templates;10. Stó:lō <strong>Nation</strong> Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Plan (Updated);11. Stó:lō <strong>Nation</strong> Business Resumption and Continuity Plan;12. Terms of Reference (TOR) of the SN Occupational Health and Safety Committee;13. Stó:lō <strong>Nation</strong> Health Evaluation Plan;14. Community Health Plan for the Stó:lō <strong>Nation</strong> Member First <strong>Nation</strong>s (FY <strong>2011</strong>-2021);15. Stó:lō <strong>Nation</strong> Community Economic Deve<strong>lo</strong>pment (CEDP) Proposal; and16. Stó:lō Aboriginal Skills and Emp<strong>lo</strong>yment Training (SASET) Applications for the Job Deve<strong>lo</strong>pment Program(JDP) and the Student Career Placement (SCP)The staff also assisted in the deve<strong>lo</strong>pment of the questionnaire for the recently-completed SNHealth Services Evaluation and in the deve<strong>lo</strong>pment of Scope of Work for proposals and in thereview of proposals for various SN-contracted studies and researches including participationin the BC Housing Operational Audit of the Stó:lô Elders Lodge (SEL).Information Techno<strong>lo</strong>gy (IT)IT technical assistance and support to the SN emp<strong>lo</strong>yeesis a continuing task. The Stó:lô Research and ResourceManagement Centre (SRRMC) set up a new Internetbased system to share land use information withinterested communities. The primary goals are thecreation of an integrated system containing the culturaluse database, the referral database and the spatial geo database. The Stó:lô Connect webportal was deve<strong>lo</strong>ped for the delivery of this information for use by all interested communitiesdealing with referrals. The Information Techno<strong>lo</strong>gy department coordinated the setup of thevirtualized server platform to host the system.The Stó:lô Aboriginal Skills and Emp<strong>lo</strong>yment Training (SASET) opened a new office in Surreyat the Aboriginal Training and Emp<strong>lo</strong>yment Centre (ATEC). The IT emp<strong>lo</strong>yees helped fourother emp<strong>lo</strong>yees to connect to Stó:lô <strong>Nation</strong>’s recently upgraded remote desktop system.For many years, the IT staffhave been chipping away atthe redundant information inSN database systems. To thatend, the Unification databasedraws on the main IT databasefor user authentication. Thisyear, the integration of thephone system’s user databasewith the IT department wasstarted to further reduce errors and duplication. Eventually the SN staff website will includean easy to use phone directory to replace the current one which must be manually updated.In January, SN was challenged with two consecutive outages resulting from the fires at a BCHydro substation and a <strong>lo</strong>cal sawmill. Next fiscal year, the plan is to implement backuppower generation which will al<strong>lo</strong>w SN to operate in emergencies like these.Page 25 of 64

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