2011-2012 Annual Report - Sto:lo Nation

2011-2012 Annual Report - Sto:lo Nation

2011-2012 Annual Report - Sto:lo Nation


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Archives and RepositoryThe Stó:lō Library and Archives are public facilities, open to visitors of all types includingcommunity members with general interests, students and researchers from numerousinstitutions throughout the Fraser Valley/Lower Mainland/S’ólh Téméxw. The collectionincludes historical and contemporary materials related to Stó:lō and Coast Salish people andterritory. There are books, maps, oral history tapes, photographs, and a wide range of reportsand articles including archaeo<strong>lo</strong>gical, anthropo<strong>lo</strong>gical, environmental, cultural, health, legal,and many other topics, as well as copies of all reports produced by the nearly 100 studentswho have participated in anthropo<strong>lo</strong>gical and ethno-historical field schools since 1993.All the books and reports in the library collection have been moved from the old InMagicDatabase to the PastPerfect Database which now contains 3,695 items. The move toPastPerfect al<strong>lo</strong>ws for the integration of library, archives, museum and photographic recordsto facilitate finding related information. Including the books and reports transferred fromInMagic, 1,400 additions have been made to the PastPerfect Library cata<strong>lo</strong>gue and 607photographs have been scanned this fiscal year. Ninety-one VHS recordings weretransferred to DVD for preservation purposes and work on copying the oral history fromcassette recordings into digital format is ongoing. Community members, staff and academicresearchers are able to use the database in the library to search for information.The Assistant Librarian has continued to add information on the Reciprocal ResearchNetwork (RRN), bringing the Stó:lō online collection to 9,375, an increase of 2,743 items. Thenetwork has moved from its pi<strong>lo</strong>t stage and is now live at http://www.rrncommunity.org. Sincethe launch of the pi<strong>lo</strong>t site in April 2010, the SRRMC collection has had a total of 173,911‘hits’ or searches/viewings. Contributing to the RRN will be an ongoing project and SRRMCencourages everyone to exp<strong>lo</strong>re the website.In FY <strong>2011</strong>–<strong>2012</strong>, the library staff responded to more than 950 requests for information andprocessed 9 Research Registry Applications for academic research involving Stó:lō<strong>Nation</strong> archival materials and input. The Library and Archives are now accessible that theneed for the Research Registry has diminished and a ‘Research Log’ has been deve<strong>lo</strong>ped torecord statistics and usage. During FY <strong>2011</strong>–<strong>2012</strong>, 58 research <strong>lo</strong>g forms were completed,twenty-five percent of them representing multiple visits to the library and archives. Othershave dropped and <strong>lo</strong>oked at the materials or asked questions.As part of the ‘Cultural Experience Series at the SRC’ (see be<strong>lo</strong>w) the Library staff hosted ashowing of the video T’xwelátse Me T’ókw’ Te<strong>lo</strong> Qáys/is Finally Home on July 20. The guestsenjoyed a salmon dinner and a performance by the Semoya Dance Group as well as a talk byT’xwelátse (Herb Joe) and the opportunity to participate in a discussion about thesxwoxwiyám and sqwélqwel of this transformed ancestor.The Assistant Librarian joined the British Columbia Library Association (BCLA) and is now theco-chair of the Fraser Valley Branch of the Library Technicians group which meets bi-monthlyto discuss library issues and facilitate professional deve<strong>lo</strong>pment. A good working relationshipwith the Library and Information Techno<strong>lo</strong>gy (LIBIT) Department of the University of theFraser Valley has been deve<strong>lo</strong>ped with the Assistant Librarian attending events and speakingto new graduates about a library career in a cultural centre. The Ontario Association ofPage 56 of 64

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