2011-2012 Annual Report - Sto:lo Nation

2011-2012 Annual Report - Sto:lo Nation

2011-2012 Annual Report - Sto:lo Nation


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communities to participate; and FOOD SKILLS FOR FAMILIES will take place a<strong>lo</strong>ngside withthe nutrition tours.Health Support ServicesAboriginal Infant Deve<strong>lo</strong>pment Program (AIDP)AIDP strives to ensure that all Aboriginal children will be raised in <strong>lo</strong>ving and safe homes;within healthy, supportive, caring communities that practice important cultural values andbeliefs. The program works c<strong>lo</strong>sely with parents to support their children’s growth andprogress. AIDP professionals set goals based on the family’s strengths and prior knowledgeof childhood deve<strong>lo</strong>pment.AIDP is a primarily home-based program that supports and encourages families to give theirchildren the best start in life, culture-focused and offer support for Aboriginal families andinfants who may be at risk or have deve<strong>lo</strong>pmental delays. Deve<strong>lo</strong>pmental screening andassessments are provided, and individual activity plans to promote the child’s healthydeve<strong>lo</strong>pment are agreed upon with the children’s family. Whether the family’s needs are bestmet in group programs, educational programs, or home visits; services are always accessibleand tai<strong>lo</strong>red to meet the individual circumstances of each family.ABBOTSFORD MISSION CHILLIWACKDISCHARGES# OF CLIENTSDISCHARGES# OF CLIENTSDISCHARGES# OF CLIENTSChart 11- AIDP Case<strong>lo</strong>adFY <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2012</strong>3380 5 10 15 20 25 30 35172530The program had a total fiscal yearcase<strong>lo</strong>ad of 72 children out of which,14 or 19% have been discharged.Accomplishments for the year focusedon the transition of the AIDP from theFraser Valley Child Deve<strong>lo</strong>pmentCentre (FVCDC) to Stó:lô <strong>Nation</strong>. Acelebration was held on the Stó:lôgrounds on September 6, <strong>2011</strong> tohonour the transfer. Otheraccomplishments included the conductof the Better Beginnings Parentinggroups, Cultural Training, MotherGoose Training, AIDP/ASCD In-ServicePage 38 of 64

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