2011-2012 Annual Report - Sto:lo Nation

2011-2012 Annual Report - Sto:lo Nation

2011-2012 Annual Report - Sto:lo Nation


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est, in collaboration with the Stó:lō communities. The Stó:lō Xolhmet S'olhetawtxw Sq'eq'ip(Stó:lō House of Respect Care Taking Committee), acting as advisors to this project andfacilitated by SRRMC staff, met six times in FY <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2012</strong> to plan and prepare for the projectin conjunction with UBC staff. Progress through the years paved the way for the repatriationof these ancestral remains to the Repository at the SRC in FY <strong>2012</strong>-2013. Multiple analysesare underway providing information about these individuals’ age, sex, and health.This year, the SRRMC assisted the Sepass Family together with the Chilliwack Museum andArchives in moving the ‘Billy Sepass Canoe’ (carved in 1913) from Xa:ytem to the SRC. TheCanoe is now <strong>lo</strong>cated in the LEP and is intended to be incorporated into the interpretiveprogram, using information from the Ethnohistory Field School project report on this subject.Discussions with the Family about the care of the Canoe are ongoing.Genea<strong>lo</strong>gyIn <strong>2011</strong>, genea<strong>lo</strong>gical services were available by appointment twice weekly, on Mondays andWednesdays. Stó:lō Family Tree charts and information are accessible to staff andcommunity members, upon request. Family charts have been used over the years forpersonal knowledge, traditional names for <strong>lo</strong>nghouses, and to help members gainemp<strong>lo</strong>yment, educational grants, acquire delayed birth registration, support identity fordriver’s licenses, apply for business grants, assist social workers in their work, use as ID incrossing the border, and provide charts and information for legal cases. There are now over39,000 people in the Stó:lō <strong>Nation</strong> Family Tree database and many families documentedshow eight generations. When not providing information charts and family trees, theGenea<strong>lo</strong>gist continues inputting information from the St. Mary’s Residential School quarterlyreports. The Genea<strong>lo</strong>gist also adds information from BC history books researched every yearand continues to volunteer with the BC Genea<strong>lo</strong>gical Society and with the BC HistoricalFederation including attendance to related workshops and conferences. The Genea<strong>lo</strong>gist isalso available for Band events and family reunions upon request.Collaborative Projects and PartnershipsCollaborative projects in which SRRMC staff was involved include the fol<strong>lo</strong>wing:1. Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage (www.sfu.ca/ipinch/): Communitypartner via Dr. George Nicholas, Archaeo<strong>lo</strong>gy Dept., SFU, The Journey Home Project,Case Study Co-Director with Dr. Sue Rowley, UBC Lab of Archaeo<strong>lo</strong>gy.2. Man Turned to <strong>Sto</strong>ne:T’xwelátse–exhibition, book and website(www.srrmcentre.com/<strong>Sto</strong>neTxwelatse.html) in association with the T’xwelátse Family, theReach Gallery Museum Abbotsford, and writer/photography combo Sandra Shields &David Campion. This project will be linked to the Curriculum Deve<strong>lo</strong>pment Project be<strong>lo</strong>w.3. School District 33–English First <strong>Nation</strong>s Grade 10, 11, 12 Curriculum Deve<strong>lo</strong>pmentProject–adding <strong>lo</strong>cal Stó:lō content to the provincial standard in deve<strong>lo</strong>ping onlinecurriculum for English FNs Grades 10-12. Staff from the SRRMC worked with staff in theShxweli Language program of CDD, and staff from the School District. Elements of thisproject included deve<strong>lo</strong>ping an DVD profiling <strong>lo</strong>cal Stó:lō/FN writers and performers as aPage 62 of 64

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