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is no force or fraud involved. No third-party involvement. Noparty that prescribes the rules <strong>of</strong> conducting business. <strong>The</strong> rulesthat the transacting parties uphold come about spontaneously.<strong>The</strong>y comply as though with a natural order. This is what thelate economist Friedrich Hayek referred to as the spontaneousorder, and part <strong>of</strong> this order is that private property is reciprocallyrespected.From this simple example, one can extrapolate that in themodern day economy, in a country where the government refrainsfrom interfering in the economic arena, there will be higheconomic growth and concomitant socio-economic benefits. Inother words, if a government promotes the economic freedom <strong>of</strong>producers and consumers and allows them to engage in transactionsthat do not entail force or fraud, the country, and its people,will prosper. This is a sure way to reduce unemployment, improveeducation, and create better health care.<strong>The</strong>se fundamental principles apply to all economies, regardless<strong>of</strong> the cultural context within which each has taken shape. <strong>The</strong>persistent “work ethic” myth warrants critical attention. Thisview implicitly reinforces national or ethnic group stereotypesin terms <strong>of</strong> having or lacking a work ethic, the logical extension<strong>of</strong> which is that the poor are poor because they lack a work ethicand the rich are more successful because they do have one—a verydangerous view to uphold, especially when it coincides with race.Before the Berlin Wall came crashing down in 1989, WestGermany was the second biggest economy in the world while EastGermany was an economic disaster zone. <strong>The</strong>se were the samepeople, same culture, and the same families in some cases beforethey were divided after World War II. A similar judgment canbe made with regard to the two Koreas: the South an economicgiant and the North an economic abyss that continues to absorbforeign aid. Again, same people, same culture. And what <strong>of</strong> thecontrast between Mainland China and Hong Kong, before 1992when Deng Xiaoping ushered in radical free market reforms afterannouncing that it was glorious to be rich and that it didn’t matterif the cat was black or white so long as it caught mice? Yetagain, same people, same culture, and the same telltale economic98

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