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Index <strong>of</strong> Proper Names(Chinese names are listed by family name)Acton, H. B., 67, 123Appleby, Joyce, 1Ayer, Alfred, 57Bastiat, Frederic, 113Baudelaire, Charles, 115Belaúnde, Víctor Andrés, 118Blanc, Louis, 5Boaz, David, 8, 31Boskin, Michael, 3Bové, José, 115Braudel, Fernand, 4Buffett, Warren, 111Bush, George W., 24, 120Calderón, Francisco Garcia, 118Carnegie, Andrew, 28Deng, Xiaoping, 98–99Descartes, Rene, 115Dionne, E. J., 32Engels, Friedrich, 5Franklin, Benjamin, 28Friedman, Milton, 3, 11–12, 31García Lorca, Federico, 117Gates, Bill, 17, 28, 66Gore, Al, 33, 120Guevara, Ernesto “Che,” 115Gruner, Shirley, 7Hare, Richard, 57Hayek, F.A., 11–12, 34, 98, 123Holmes, Stephen, 63Hume, David, 33, 57, 109, 124Jesus, 81Kant, Immanuel, 56–57Krauthammer, Charles, 32Lei, Feng, 47–49Li, Ming, 54Li, Ruzhen, 44–46Locke, John, 33Mandeville, Bernard, 70Montaigne, Michel de, 115Mao, Zedong (Chairman), 43, 115Marx, Karl, 5–8, 10, 12, 56, 115McCloskey, Deirdre, 2, 4, 24, 27, 123Melamed, Leo, 10Mises, Ludwig von, 35, 87, 123Molière ( Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), 115Mokyr, Joel, 30Moore, George, 57Mugabe, Robert, 96Murray, Charles, 32Norberg, Johan, 104Nozick, Robert, 1, 11, 77Obama, Barack, 24, 70Ostrom, Elinor, 1Paine, Thomas, 69Pareto, Vilfreto, 93Perot, H. Ross, 3Proust, Marcel, 117Racine, Jean, 115Rand, Ayn, 11, 16, 69, 71, 78–80, 123Rawlings, Jerry, 103Rawls, John, 12, 75, 77Reagan, Ronald, 24Riva Agüero, José de la, 118Robespierre, Maximilien, 96Romans, Humbert de, 63Sandel, Michael, 11–12Schmitt, Bertel, 99Schumpeter, Joseph, 1, 8, 93Schwab, David, 1Smith, Adam, 11, 12, 33, 34, 63–68,70, 123Sombart, Werner, 5, 7, 12Soros, George, 31, 33, 66Soto, Hernando de, 106Stone, Oliver, 65Tawney, R. H., 75, 77Tsvangirai, Morgan, 96Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet), 67Wicksteed, Philip, 66Williams, Walter, 99Winfrey, Oprah, 76Woolf, Virginia, 117129

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