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his prophecy seemed quite daring. However, globalization willlikely make it a reality in the twenty-first century, and we must behappy about this. A rebirth <strong>of</strong> small, local cultures will give backto humanity that rich multiplicity <strong>of</strong> behavior and expressions thatthe nation-state annihilated in order to create so-called nationalcultural identities toward the end <strong>of</strong> the eighteenth, and particularlyin the nineteenth, century. (This fact is easily forgotten, orwe attempt to forget it because <strong>of</strong> its grave moral connotations.)National cultures were <strong>of</strong>ten forged in blood and fire, prohibitingthe teaching or publication <strong>of</strong> vernacular languages or thepractice <strong>of</strong> religions and customs that dissented from those thenation-state considered ideal. In this way, in many countries <strong>of</strong>the world, the nation-state forcibly imposed a dominant cultureupon local ones that were repressed and abolished from <strong>of</strong>ficial life.But, contrary to the warnings <strong>of</strong> those who fear globalization, itis not easy to completely erase cultures—however small they maybe—if behind them is a rich tradition and people who practicethem, even if in secret. And today, thanks to the weakening <strong>of</strong> thenation-state, we are seeing forgotten, marginalized, and silencedlocal cultures reemerging and displaying dynamic signs <strong>of</strong> life inthe great concert <strong>of</strong> this globalized planet.122

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