UROP Proceedings 2010-11

UROP Proceedings 2010-11

UROP Proceedings 2010-11


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Strategic Pricing and Timing of New ProductsAdvisor : HUI Kai Lung / ISOMStudent : XIE Wenxin / GBUS(<strong>UROP</strong><strong>11</strong>00, Spring 20<strong>11</strong>)This project is based on game-theoretic analysis to study the timing and pricing strategies of avendor when introducing new production. In a previous version of the study, it is assumed thathigh type consumers own the old product prior to the beginning of the game. In this study, thepurpose is to extending the game-theoretic model to consider the case where the low typeconsumers own the old product. Subsequent pricing and timing strategies for the vendor arederived using backward induction. The findings show that inter-temporal pricingdiscrimination and delayed product introduction have relevant policy implications and helpresearchers to understand business strategies of new production introduction in real-lifesituations.The Economics and Social Implications of Search Engine OptimizationAdvisorCo-AdvisorStudent: SIN Raymond G / ISOM: SHUM Stephen W H / ISOM: WANG Yitong / ECOF(<strong>UROP</strong>1000, Summer 20<strong>11</strong>)This project is an investigation into how search engine users are influenced by variousstrategies that firms adopt in improving their visibility on search engine results page. Mywork in this project involves summarizing and analyzing academic papers on searchadvertising. I have also compared the key questions, assumptions, models and key findingsbetween different studies, so as to prepare for formulating and solving analytical models.The Economics and Social Implications of Search Engine OptimizationAdvisorCo-AdvisorStudent: SIN Raymond G / ISOM: SHUM Stephen W H / ISOM: ZHAO Yiqun / MATH-ST(<strong>UROP</strong><strong>11</strong>00, Fall <strong>2010</strong>)As the internet is developing very rapidly nowadays, search engine optimization (SEO) is alsogaining importance. By maintaining a high position on the search engine result page, acompany can get more traffic for its website, which leads to higher sales and reputation. Inthis project, we investigate how search engine users are influenced by various strategies thatfirms adopt in improving their visibility on search engine results page.65

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