UROP Proceedings 2010-11

UROP Proceedings 2010-11

UROP Proceedings 2010-11


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China/Africa Links ProjectAdvisor : SAUTMAN Barry V / SOSCStudent : LEUNG Chin Ka / ACCT(<strong>UROP</strong><strong>11</strong>00, Spring 20<strong>11</strong>)Zambia is the third largest copper producer in the world, and China has invested a hugeamount into Zambia’s copper industry. The focus of this project is on Zambia’s copperindustry, and data related to the multi-national companies operating in Zambia are collectedand analyzed for a better understanding of labor relations between Chinese-owned enterprisesin Africa.Liu Xiaobo and the <strong>2010</strong> Nobel Peace PrizeAdvisor : SAUTMAN Barry V / SOSCStudent : LIU Zhanxiang / FINA(<strong>UROP</strong><strong>11</strong>00, Spring 20<strong>11</strong>)The topic of this project was under major debate at the time I joined the project in spring 20<strong>11</strong>.I am interested about studying this issue from a social science perspective, and I am involvedin reading articles and collecting quotes from the articles for discussion and analysis.China/Africa Links ProjectAdvisor : SAUTMAN Barry V / SOSCStudent : SONG Chenlu / ECOF(<strong>UROP</strong><strong>11</strong>00, 1200 & 1300,Fall <strong>2010</strong>, Spring 20<strong>11</strong> & Summer 20<strong>11</strong>)In this project, I am involved in searching for articles about China’s investment in Africancountries, mostly from well-known US publications found in research database. The objectiveis to analyze the articles and draw possible conclusions about the attitude of US mass mediatowards China’s increasing presence and involvement in African countries. Major themes aredeveloped to categorize the news articles collected. Lastly, I research on how Chinese interactwith Africans by reading blogs and posts written by Chinese who live and work in Africa.77

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