Campus and Residential Life - Briar Cliff University

Campus and Residential Life - Briar Cliff University

Campus and Residential Life - Briar Cliff University


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AcademicsThe <strong>University</strong> catalog contains all polices <strong>and</strong> requirements of <strong>Briar</strong> <strong>Cliff</strong>’s academicprograms. Check the <strong>University</strong> catalog for specific information regarding majors; academicstatus; internships; adding, dropping or withdrawing from classes; transfer credit;conditional admission; good academic st<strong>and</strong>ing; academic probation; academic dismissal;<strong>and</strong>, degree requirements for all programs.ACADEMIC INTEGRITY<strong>Briar</strong> <strong>Cliff</strong> strives to create an environment where the dignity of each person is recognized.Accordingly, integrity in relationships <strong>and</strong> work is supported <strong>and</strong> rewarded, <strong>and</strong> honesty inacademic matters is expected of all students. Actions which are contrary to the spirit ofacademic integrity will not be tolerated. Any attempt to misrepresent someone else’s workas one’s own, receive credit for assignments one did not do, obtain an unfair advantageover other students in the completion of work, or aid another student to do the above willbe considered a breach of academic integrity. These include:• Obtaining, disseminating or using unauthorized materials for the completion (byoneself or another student) of an examination, paper or assignment;• Unauthorized collusion with another student in completing an assignment;• Submitting as one’s own the work of another student or allowing one’s work to besubmitted for credit by another;• Copying from another student’s paper or allowing one’s paper to be copied;• Computer theft which includes unauthorized duplication of software, unauthorizedaccess into accounts other than one’s own <strong>and</strong> the use of <strong>University</strong> resources(computer facilities, networks, software, etc.) for financial gain;• Plagiarism: the representation of another’s ideas, statements or data as one’sown. Plagiarism includes copying, paraphrasing or summarizing another’s work(even if that work is found on the Internet) without proper acknowledgment(footnotes, in-text credit, quotation marks, etc.). For a more detailed explanationof what constitutes plagiarism <strong>and</strong> how to avoid it, refer to The Little BrownH<strong>and</strong>book, available in the <strong>University</strong> bookstore <strong>and</strong> Bishop Mueller Library.The policy of <strong>Briar</strong> <strong>Cliff</strong> <strong>University</strong> is that for an individual’s first offense, the student’sinstructor or work supervisor will determine an appropriate penalty, with a possible penaltyof “F” for the course or termination of employment. For a second offense, the instructor orsupervisor <strong>and</strong> the vice president for academic affairs will determine an appropriate penalty,up to <strong>and</strong> including dismissal from the <strong>University</strong>. For an offense after the second, the vicepresident for academic affairs will determine an appropriate penalty, up to <strong>and</strong> includingdismissal from the <strong>University</strong>. Depending on the nature <strong>and</strong> severity of the offense, the<strong>University</strong> reserves the authority to exact maximum penalty even in the case of a firstoffense.In all cases of alleged academic dishonesty, the faculty member or work supervisor shall, inwriting, notify the student of the specific charges <strong>and</strong> circumstances <strong>and</strong> a copy of thenotice shall be sent to the vice president for academic affairs. If the student wishes to denythe allegations or appeal the penalty, he/she must, within 10 working days, file a writtenintent to appeal, first the department chairperson or the work supervisor’s immediatesuperior. If the appeal is not resolved <strong>and</strong> the student wishes to continue the appeal, thestudent must, within three working days, file a written intent to appeal with the divisionchairperson. If the appeal is not resolved <strong>and</strong> the student wishes to continue the appealprocess, the student must, within three working days, file a written intent to appeal with thevice president for academic affairs.54

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