POWERTECH™ 2.9 L OEM Diesel Engines - John Deere Industrial ...

POWERTECH™ 2.9 L OEM Diesel Engines - John Deere Industrial ...

POWERTECH™ 2.9 L OEM Diesel Engines - John Deere Industrial ...

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Fuels, Lubricants, and CoolantMinimizing the Effect of Cold Weather on <strong>Diesel</strong> <strong>Engines</strong><strong>John</strong> <strong>Deere</strong> diesel engines are designed to operateeffectively in cold weather.However, for effective starting and cold weatheroperation, a little extra care is necessary. Theinformation below outlines steps that can minimize theeffect that cold weather may have on starting andoperation of your engine. See your <strong>John</strong> <strong>Deere</strong> dealerfor additional information and local availability of coldweather aidsUse Winter Grade FuelWhen temperatures fall below 5°C (40°F), winter gradefuel (Grade No. 1-D fuel in North America) is bestsuited for cold weather operation. Winter grade fuelhas a lower cloud point and a lower pour point.Cloud point is the temperature at which wax will beginto form in the fuel and this wax causes fuel filters toplug. Pour point is the temperature at which fuelbegins to thicken and becomes more resistant to flowthrough fuel pumps and lines.NOTE: On an average, winter grade fuel has a lowerBTU (heat content) rating. Using winter gradefuel may reduce power and fuel efficiency, butshould not cause any other engineperformance effects. Check the grade of fuelbeing used before troubleshooting for lowpower complaints in cold weather operation.Air Intake HeaterAn air intake heater is an available option to aid coldweather starting.CAUTION: Do not use any starting fluid withan air intake heater.Starting FluidCAUTION: Do not use any starting fluid withan engine equipped with glow plugsCoolant HeaterAn engine block heater (coolant heater) is an availableoption to aid cold weather starting.Seasonal Viscosity Oil and Proper CoolantConcentrationUse seasonal grade viscosity engine oil based ion theexpected air temperature range between oil changesand proper concentration of low silicate antifreeze asrecommended. (See DIESEL ENGINE OIL andENGINE COOLANT requirements this section.)<strong>Diesel</strong> Fuel Flow AdditiveUse <strong>John</strong> <strong>Deere</strong> Premium <strong>Diesel</strong> Fuel Conditioner(Winter) or equivalent to treat fuel during the coldweather season. This winter formulation is acombination diesel fuel conditioner and anti-geladditive.IMPORTANT: Treat fuel when outside temperaturedrops below 0°C (32°F). For bestresults, use with untreated fuel.Follow all recommended instructionson label.WinterfrontsUse of fabric, cardboard , or solid winterfronts is notrecommended with any <strong>John</strong> <strong>Deere</strong> engine. Their usecan result in excessive engine coolant, oil, and chargeair temperatures. This can lead to reduced engine life,loss of power and poor fuel economy. Winterfrontsmay also put abnormal stress on fan and fan drivecomponents potentially causing premature failures.A starting fluid port on the intake is available to aidcold weather starting.Continued on next pageDX,FUEL10–19–16DEC05–1/210-5 060106PN=29

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