Violence against children, the voices of Ugandan ... - Raising Voices

Violence against children, the voices of Ugandan ... - Raising Voices

Violence against children, the voices of Ugandan ... - Raising Voices


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METHODOLOGYData CollectionThe research design combines five complementarymethods <strong>of</strong> data collection: questionnaires, focusgroup discussions (FGD), narrative role plays(NRP), key informant interviews, and journalwriting. Toge<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y <strong>of</strong>fer varied approaches forengaging participants in sharing <strong>the</strong>ir personalexperiences regarding violence <strong>against</strong> <strong>children</strong>. Astandardized research protocol was developed andused in each district.QuestionnairesResearchers administered 1000 questionnaires to<strong>children</strong> in groups <strong>of</strong> 10, including 750 in-school<strong>children</strong> selected from 50 schools and 250 out-<strong>of</strong>school<strong>children</strong> (selected using quota sampling).Researchers also administered 900 questionnairesto adults in groups <strong>of</strong> 10 to 15, including 400parents, 400 teachers, and 100 communityleaders (all selected using quota sampling). Tworesearchers facilitated each group. One researcherread <strong>the</strong> questions to <strong>the</strong> participants, and <strong>the</strong>o<strong>the</strong>r researcher assisted participants as necessary.This process rendered 777 valid questionnairesfrom <strong>children</strong> and 755 from adults. All numericaldata quoted in this publication is derived fromanalysis <strong>of</strong> questionnaires.Focus Group DiscussionsFocus group discussions were segregatedby sex and age (for childen) and included 42discussions with <strong>children</strong> and 28 with adults withten participants per group (selected using quotasampling).Narrative Role PlaysThis study reached 100 <strong>children</strong> -- half boys, halfgirls, half in school, and half out <strong>of</strong> school throughnarrative role plays. The total sample was dividedinto 10 sex-segregated groups, 2 per district with10 <strong>children</strong> each, and each group process lastingapproximately four hours. The process beganwith a brainstorm and a discussion about howparticipants understood <strong>the</strong> term “violence <strong>against</strong><strong>children</strong>,” followed by <strong>the</strong> sharing <strong>of</strong> experiences.Subsequently, <strong>the</strong> group divided into two, andeach group prepared a short play based on <strong>the</strong>irexperiences <strong>of</strong> violence <strong>against</strong> <strong>children</strong>. Eachgroup had <strong>the</strong> opportunity to act out <strong>the</strong>ir shortplay for <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r participants. After <strong>the</strong> plays, <strong>the</strong>participants discussed what <strong>the</strong>y observed, whe<strong>the</strong>r<strong>the</strong> plays reflected <strong>the</strong> reality in <strong>the</strong>ir communities,and <strong>the</strong>ir proposed strategies for preventingviolence <strong>against</strong> <strong>children</strong>.Table 1.1 Children consulted through each method <strong>of</strong> data collectionGroup FGD Questionnaire Interview NRP Journal TotalIn Out In Out In Out In Out Total8-14 yrs Girls 50 70 196 27 12 4 20 20 8 40715-18 yrs Girls 50 60 115 47 13 12 10 0 5 3128-14 yrs Boys 50 30 174 32 15 6 20 10 7 34415-18 yrs Boys 40 70 125 61 12 10 10 10 5 343Subtotal 190 230 610 167 52 32 60 40 25 1406Part One Research Design5

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